The French Revolution of 1789 was the central event of modern history. For the first time a major nation fell prey to political and then social revolution, with civil war and the Reign of Terror following the execution of Louis XVI in January 1793. Although the Revolution started with the ...
The French Revolution is the story of the Jacobins; the Reign of Terror; the Guillotine; the Vendee Uprising; King Louis XVI; Robespierre; Bigot; the Illuminati; the Cult of Reason; Marie Antionette; the Affair of the Necklace; Cagliostro; Atheism; Commu
In 1793, Portugal signed a treaty of mutual assistance with Britain. The Portuguese population rose in revolt against the French invaders with the help of the British Army. Napoleon intervened and the Peninsular War began in 1808. Finally, Russia chafed under the embargo and in 1810 reopened ...
during which time he took no part in the Committee’s decisions. During much of September to December 1793 he was in Alsace with the Army of the Rhine. Here his task was to ensure that the army was well supplied, keep a watchful eye on the generals and curb any civil unrest against...
The new Republican government, known as the Convention, responded to growing civil unrest and the ongoing overseas threat with the Reign of Terror. The Revolutionary Tribunal, established on 10 March 1793, aimed to demonstrate that persons of danger to the Republic were being identified and punished...
A political struggle between noble houses exacerbated a growing sense of hostility between the French Protestants, calledHuguenots, and Catholics. When men acting on the orders of the Duke of Guise massacred a Huguenot congregation in 1562, civil war erupted. Several wars were fought in quick succe...
consider include the Crusades,theFrench Revolution,World War I, the Russian Revolution, the Chinese civil [...] 你可以考慮的一些建議包 括:十字軍東征、法國大革命、第一次世界大戰、 俄國革命、中國內戰、印度分裂、 南非種族隔離政策、 盧旺達內戰以及波士尼亞戰爭。
On October 31st 1793, 21 people were reportedly guillotined in Paris, in the space of just 38 minutes. The mountain was both a revolutionary faction and a revolutionary symbol. As part of the Festival of the Supreme Being in June 1794, Maximilien Robespierre had a giantpapier-mâchémountain...
History 106: The Civil War and Reconstruction World History: High School Glencoe U.S. History - The American Vision: Online Textbook Help Browse by Lessons Reign of Terror Lesson for Kids: Summary & Facts Guillotine | Definition, Invention & History Causes of the French Revolution Lesson Plan ...
By 1793 the rest of Europe started warring France. This sent the government into chaos. To deal with the constant threats the convention created the Committee of Public Safety. They created a mass tax so people can contribute to the war effort, and were in charge of trials and executions. ...