. French Listening Practice - Going to the Library in France 03:02 P349. Learn the Top 15 French Adjectives that Describe Your Personality Best 05:29 P350. 5 Reasons to Learn French 02:38 P35. Introduction to French in 30 Minutes - How to Read, Write and Speak 29:46 P35. ...
10:39 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法语对话中最有用的20个形容词/20 Most Useful French Adjectives in Context 13:00 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法国人从来不吃零食?/French People Never Snack 08:00 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】5个实用的法语习语!Make sure you know these 5 useful idioms in French ...
Adjectives describe people, places, and things. French adjectives usually have two forms: masculine and feminine. In this lesson, you will learn some common irregular French adjectives--ones that don't follow the regular rules or patterns. What are Irregular Adjectives? Adjectives tell us what ...
Notice the similarities between the English and French names of countries. TheFrench adjectivesare also similar to what is spoken in English; when speaking French, you can use these adjectives to describe the residents of each continent. Languages and Nationalities (Les Langues et Les Nationalités)...
Expressions to Describe Friends in French:French adjectives and the nouns they are describing need to agree in number and gender. Nouns are categorized as either feminine or masculine, and singular or plural. Any adjectives that modify the noun must be feminine or masculine, and singular or ...
This lesson will cover basic adjectives for describing people's personalities and natural tendencies. We'll also explore different forms of these personality trait adjectives, and then you can test your knowledge with a short quiz. Personality Traits in French Has anyone ever tried to set you up...
Adjectives are used to describe the qualities of a noun or pronoun. In French, they need grammatically match the word to which they refer. They can be feminine or masculine, singular or plural. Answer and Explanation: There are many ways to say 'great' in French. The most common words fo...
Therefore, you wouldn’t use them to talk about objects, only about people and possibly animals. Keep in mind that we’re only covering positive adjectives here. Unfortunately, not everyone is kind and compassionate, so check out this article for more tips on how to describe people....
adjectives may be placed before or after the noun, depending on their type and meaning. This concept can be aggravating for French learners, but with patience and practice you'll be able to describe any object like a natural. The following explanations should cover about 95% of adjectives, bu...
Learn how to use certain adjectives to describe nouns Audio •9 Minutes 24 Where Shall We Go to Dinner in France? Learn how to use the French verb that means "to go" to tell someone where you are headed Audio •13 Minutes 25 ...