used to describe something or someone seen as a precursor or forerunner of something (such as an artistic or political movement) before that something was recognized and named, e.g. "a post-modernist avant la lettre", "a feminist avant la lettre"; the expression literally means before the ...
This expression is usually used to describe someone’s foreign language skills… and it’s not a compliment. It’s a colorful way of saying that they don’t speak very well. In fact, you’ll often hear French speakers complain that they speak English comme une vache espagnole (“like a ...
The words used to describe an orchestra in French are different from those used to describe a rock concert. InsideUne Salle de Concert Regardless of one's favorite musical genre, many people enjoy going to a concert hall to see a band perform. All of these terms are important when talking...
When meeting someone for the first time, hobbies are a common small talk topic; this is no different in another language. Learn to describe hobbies...
Figuratively, it refers to love at first sight. However, the phrasele coup de foudreliterally translates to “lightning strike”. Which presumably is how someone who has experienced love at first sight may describe the feeling. Quand Claude a vu Nadia, c’étaitle coup de foudre.— When Clau...
As in English, there are severaldifferent types of adjectivesin French. In this article, we’ll be focusing on what immediately springs to mind for most of us when we think of adjectives: qualitative adjectives (adjectifs qualificatifs)- that is, words that describe someone or something’s ...
Boulot–Boulotis a common noun used to describe work, and is part of the popular expressionmétro, boulot, dodo(travel, work, sleep). This phrase is used to describe the rat-race lifestyle of people living in larger cities. Cool
In fact, when I pronounce French words like“rendez-vous”or“genre”with my French accent, my American friends don’t understand. So I change my accent to American, and all is well! If you already know theseFrench words used in everyday English, you can work on your pronunciation to im...
How to Say Hello in French -- Faire la bise Greetings aren’t always just words. In some places, it’s a handshake. In others, it’s a hug. When greeting someone in France, you’ll likely be expected to faire la bise. This is a gesture upon both meeting and parting ways where yo...
Examine emotions in French. Learn how to describe different moods and feelings in French, like excitement and jealousy, using emotional adjectives, and see examples. Related to this Question How do you say enjoy in French? How to say fun in French ...