French Adjectives Starting with T from Chapter 7 / Lesson 31 28K In this lesson, we will learn a number of French adjectives that start with the letter T, including the common 'tel.' We will also go over some guidelines for using these adjectives, including adjective agreement for femini...
Ask a question Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. Ask a question Search AnswersLearn more about this topic: French Adjectives Starting with H from Chapter 7 / Lesson 25 24K In this lesson, we will learn about some common French adjectives that begin with the...
1.Which of the following adjectives would best describe a big city? universel utilisable unanime urbain Watch this answer This question is covered in French Adjectives Starting with U View lessonin new window > Explore our library of over 88,000 lessons ...
Notre/nos/votre/vos/leur/leurs = our/your/their (French Possessive Adjectives) and the more advanced Common mistakes with mon/ma/mes, ton/ta/tes and son/sa/ses (French Possessive Adjectives) "Ma" becomes "mon" with feminine nouns starting with a vowel or mu...
Partitive articles are used for uncountable nouns. For masculine singular uncountable nouns not starting with a vowel or a silenth,duis used. For feminine singular uncountable nouns not starting with a vowel or a silenth,de lais used. For all singular nouns starting with a vowel or with a si...
Adjectives agree with nouns they modify in gender and number. There is a definite and an indefinite article, each of which agrees with the noun in gender and number. Definite articles can combine with a number of prepositions, e.g., à + le = au; de + le = du ;à + les = aux;...
Understand the logic of the French possessive adjectives Tout, toute, tous, toutesAll about everything in French including the right pronunciation The partitive articleHow to say ‘some’ or ‘any’ in French The pronoun yY, il y a, and their modern pronunciation I publish posts every week. ...
I think these distinctions are harder for English speakers because ‘what’ is used for the general case and also frequently for the specific, with ‘which’ restricted to the specific case. https://diction...
French Adjectives Starting with J from Chapter 7 / Lesson 26 24K In this lesson, we will learn about some common French adjectives that start with 'J.' We will also discuss how to change adjective endings when discussing feminine or plural nouns and where to place an adjective in a sent...