Here are two examples to clarify this. Mes chiens sont tous calmes et silencieux. My dogs are all calm and quiet. Tes robes sont très jolies. Your dresses are very pretty. You can see that the adjectivesmesandtestake the plural form because they modify plural French nounschiens(les chein...
To talk about 'a' something in French, we use un for masculine words and une for feminine words. To talk about plural things, like houses, bridges, or twins, we use des. Look at the examples below: une maison neuve, des maisons neuves un bâtiment neuf, des bâtiments neufs ...
Note: To keep things simple in this post, I’ll usetuas the singular “you” andvousas the plural “you all.” It’s a little more complicated than that once youget into formal French, however, so be sure to check into that. Son / Sa / Ses(His/Her) Unlike English, French does ...
In English, the word "my" stays the same. But in French it changes depending on whether you're talking about a masculine noun (père) or a feminine noun (mère). Sounds simple, right? Well there's a little confusing twist for English speakers. Look at these examples and see if you ...
Adjectives can also describe pronouns. In these examples, the pronouns are in bold:He is happy. She was beautiful. It smells lovely. When adjectives modify (i.e., describe) pronouns, the adjectives usually come after the pronouns, but not always. ...
Ch 2.Basic French Spelling &... Ch 3.French Sentence Structure Ch 4.French Nouns & Pronouns Ch 5.Basic French Verbs Ch 6.French Verb Tenses & Conjugation Ch 7.French Adjectives & Adverbs French Adjectives: Placement & Examples What Are Possessive Adjectives in French?
Examples of possessive adjectives include "my," "your," "his," "her," "its," "our," and "their." These adjectives are used to describe something belonging to a specific person, group, or thing. For example, in the sentence "This is my book," the word "my" is a possessive ...
Discover everything you need to know about French adjectives and find out how the BANGS rule can help you know where to place them.
The meaning of ADJECTIVE is a word belonging to one of the major form classes in any of numerous languages and typically serving as a modifier of a noun to denote a quality of the thing named, to indicate its quantity or extent, or to specify a thing as
There are some proper adjectives that are based on people and places that may not be capitalized if they are used as more general words, such asherculean. (These are the adjectives you’re most likely to find in Examples of proper adjectives: ...