Chase Freedom Unlimited® with Ultimate Rewards® Program Agreement Important information about the program and this agreement • This document describes how the Ultimate Rewards program works and is an agreement between you and Chase. You agree that use of your account or any feature of this ...
【2024.12 更新】Chase 给这张卡增加了周年庆的额外 5x 类别,从 3 月 1 日到 31 日,付税和保险(TAX Preparation&Insurance)也可以获取 5x 积分 这张卡公布了 2025 年第一季度的 5x 类别,是 Norwegian 邮轮、菜店、target、健身房和会员、美发 SPA。看起来类别...
积分转换:1: 1 转成美联航里程(适合中美经济舱、美国境内经济舱、单程机票);1: 1 转 British Airways 里程(适合中日、美国境内短距离兑换);1: 1 转 Hyatt 积分(适合兑换 Hyatt 酒店,价值每点可达 1.8 cents)。 积分特性:Ultimate Rewards 可在自己的多个卡之间自由转移,可以转给一个...
No, only when paired with a premium Ultimate Rewards-earning card Yes Pay Yourself Back Yes, on select charity donations at a value of 1.25 cents per point (ends December 31, 2024) Yes, on various rotating categories at a value of 1.25 to 1.5 cents per point ...
Importantly, although the Chase Freedom Unlimited is advertised as acash back credit card, it technically earnsRewards pointsthat can be redeemed at a 1:1 ratio for cash back or, for maximum value, combined with Ultimate Rewards you earn with a premium Chase card. ...
Pro tip:Although billed as cash-back cards, if you have another Chase-Ultimate-Rewards-earning card like theChase Sapphire Preferred®Card,you can convert the cashback earned with a Freedom card intotransferrable Ultimate Rewards pointsand potentially receive more value from your rewards. ...
Chase 信用卡 Ultimate Rewards (UR) 点数, 摩根大通 Chase, 无年费信用卡Chase Freedom Unlimited (CFU) 信用卡简介 【2024.11 更新】开卡奖励从 $200 升高到 $250 了。额外1.5%返现 up to $300 offer 依然存在。【2025.1 更新】$250 的降回 $200 了。
“By the time I was eyeing the Chase Freedom Unlimited, I was already familiar with the Chase Ultimate Rewards ecosystem. The Chase Freedom Flex (simply called the Chase Freedom back then) was the first credit card I opened after salvaging my credit score, followed shortly by the Chase Sapphi...
虽然官网把此卡称作返现卡,但其实此卡得到的点数为 Ultimate Rewards (UR),我们对它的估值是 1.6 cents/point,简介见下文。因此其 20k 的开卡奖励价值约为 $320,1.5x 返点相当于约为 2.4% 的回报! 【Limited Time】在 Lyft 打车可以获得 5x 返点,有效期至2025年3月。此活动官网链接在此。 【Limited Time】...
Pro tip: Although billed as cash-back cards, if you have another Chase-Ultimate-Rewards®-earning card like the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card, you can convert the cash back earned with a Freedom card into transferrable Ultimate Rewards® points and potentially receive 25% more value when...