Chase Freedom Unlimited® with Ultimate Rewards® Program Agreement Important information about the program and this agreement • This document describes how the Ultimate Rewards program works and is an agreement between you and Chase. You agree that use of your account or any feature of this ...
新卡叫做 Chase Freedom Unlimited(目测缩写 CFU?) 积攒的是 Ultimate Rewards Point,每1美元消费积累1.5 UR点。没有季度轮换5x。 开卡奖励根据泄露的截图,和现在的 Freedom 一样:$150 + $25 (副卡)。 新老版本同时存在,每个人可自选申请。根据目前的消息,两张应该是能同时持有。 新卡的申请应该会受到5/24政...
Chase 信用卡 Ultimate Rewards (UR) 点数, 摩根大通 Chase, 无年费信用卡Chase Freedom Unlimited (CFU) 信用卡简介 【2024.11 更新】开卡奖励从 $200 升高到 $250 了。额外1.5%返现 up to $300 offer 依然存在。【2025.1 更新】$250 的降回 $200 了。
Freedom Unlimited FREEDOM UNLIMITED® CASHBACK MADE SIMPLE No fees, 0% intro APRFootnote1Opens overlay, and rewards that never expireFootnote2Opens overlay. Just pure cashbacking goodness. Apply now, for Freedom Unlimited Explore Chase Freedom...
Chase Freedom Unlimited 清单链接,$30 清单bonus名额有限,送完即止(建议申请时截图留作备用证明;请在公众号nyclist后台联系清单君兑换 ) 申请小贴士 此卡算是Chase的入门卡之一,对信用记录要求不高,适合刚入门的朋友申请使用。不要在30天内申请大于2张Chase的卡。
笔者在2022年11月的时候成功申请了CHASE FREEDOM UNLIMITED信用卡,就是Chase CFU信用卡,额度为500美元,...
Freedom 新版将叫做 Freedom Unlimited 所有消费获得1.5x cashback,没有季度5x轮换 继续无年费 消息称这个新品将在3月份在 Chase Branch 中开始铺开。而老卡持有者目前看起来暂时不用担心,还可以继续享受到以前的福利。 综合现在的消息,目前还有以下问题不太明了: ...
The Freedom Unlimited can be paired with other Chase Ultimate Rewards cards to maximize rewards and transfer points to travel partners for added value. TheChase Freedom Unlimited®is one of the top no-annual-fee cash back credit cards on the market today — and for a good reason. It starte...
“By the time I was eyeing the Chase Freedom Unlimited, I was already familiar with the Chase Ultimate Rewards ecosystem. The Chase Freedom Flex (simply called the Chase Freedom back then) was the first credit card I opened after salvaging my credit score, followed shortly by the Chase Sapphi...
Freedom Unlimited®️ Big rewards, ultimate simplicity Earn big without having to think about it. Freedom Unlimited rewards you automatically with 1.5% cash back on every purchase, 5% on travel purchased through Chase, and 3% on dining, takeout, and drugstores. Redeem for any amount, any ...