According to thisifcopenshell bug, and if I follow it correctly, theDISABLE_TRIANGULATIONsetting was renamed toITERATOR_OUTPUT. However, having tested a local build with a change fromDISABLE_TRIANGULATIONtoITERATOR_OUTPUThere: settings.set(settings.DISABLE_TRIANGULATION,True) ... does not seem to w...
Initial Configuration: Upon first launch, users can select their preferred unit system (e.g., metric or imperial) and load specific workbenches.Dependencies: Ensure your system meets the minimum requirements, especially regarding graphics drivers.How to UseStarting a New Project:Launch the application...
Changing document unit system does not trigger 'is-modified' flag for 1st document #14862 Roy-043 None None None AddonManager: Multiple addons update window AlwaysOnTop unwanted behavior #14860 kisolre None 18 days, 6:10:35 None Part Chamfer breaks when re-assigned #14858 Jookia 9:30:...
Initial Configuration: Upon first launch, users can select their preferred unit system (e.g., metric or imperial) and load specific workbenches.Dependencies: Ensure your system meets the minimum requirements, especially regarding graphics drivers.How to UseStarting a New Project:Launch the application... /usr/share/freecad/Ext/lazy_loader/ /usr/share/freecad/Ext/lazy_loader/ /usr/share/freecad/Gui/PreferencePackTemplates/Arch_Colors.cfg /usr/share/freecad/Gui/PreferencePackTemplates/Console_Colors.cfg /usr/share/freecad/Gui/PreferencePackTemplates/...
* restore original document file name after loading a project file * start implementing an Inventor node rendering the mesh structure directly Version: V0.5B4 Date: Sat Feb 04 2006 +++++++++++++++ * use type system in selection class * replace DataStream classes by i/ostream classes...
* restore original document file name after loading a project file * start implementing an Inventor node rendering the mesh structure directly Version: V0.5B4 Date: Sat Feb 04 2006 +++++++++++++++ * use type system in selection class * replace DataStream classes by i/ostream classes...
* restore original document file name after loading a project file * start implementing an Inventor node rendering the mesh structure directly Version: V0.5B4 Date: Sat Feb 04 2006 +++++++++++++++ * use type system in selection class * replace DataStream classes by i/ostream classes...
I can then go to the dimline properties and change the x and z locations, which are not zero. However, when I try to change y, which is 0, FreeCAD crashes. Below is the standard output after selecting the y location: ASSERT: "!(P(max) < P(min))" in file /usr/local/include/...
Anything else? No response Code of Conduct I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct maxwxyz commentedon Jul 2, 2024 maxwxyz maxwxyz added Help wantedHelp wanted by testers and developers Status: Needs diagnosisMissing diagnosis ...