/Assets/MegaCharizardY/Cubed's Unity Shaders/Demo Scene.unity/Assets/MegaCharizardY/Cubed's Unity Shaders/UnityChan/Prefabs/Directional light for UnityChan.prefab/Assets/MegaCharizardY/Cubed's Unity Shaders/UnityChan/License/ENGLISH/LicenseNotice.pdf/Assets/MegaCharizardY/Cubed's Unity Shaders/...
1.2K Total Downloads 30K Total Views Asset Type VRChat Avatars File Type Unity PackageDescription The Succubus Girl from KonoSuba who was supposed to give Kazuma his Fantasy Dream but failed and got caught by that useless Goddess. Has Visemes Hair and tiddy Physics Requires Modded SDK Tags ...
- Import the newest Poiyomi Shaders (Toon or Pro) - Import Demi Package and Upload! CREDITS: Body:Pandaabear#9873 Head:Sugs#9795 Hair:B o o#8584 Body Textures:Uni#1369 Body Tattoos:Bentai#0002 Head Textures:Sugs#9795 Eye Texture:Sugs#9795 ...
FREE MODEL FOR EVERYONE!♡ Any donation to me is greatly appreciated! ♡OVER 1,700 DOWNLOADS!Thank you all so much! Please leave a review!Updated version: 7/20/24 includes dissolve toggles, shading, more hair colors, updated shaders, few new toggles
Some Unity knowledge may be required to setup our models and upload them to VRChat. SyncWear provides a README file with all avatar purchases that run you through the basic steps of setting up the model and uploading it to VRChat, but this might be enough for everyone. If you are unable...
YuumaAndYueLing uploaded a free VRChat Avatars. This asset has reached 2116 downloads. Learn more about its features: Setup: <br /> 1 - Create a new Unit...
Lulu uploaded a free VRChat Avatars. This asset has reached 4567 downloads. Learn more about its features: She have: <br /> + blinking animations <br /> + ...
Make sure you have these and the vrchat compatible unity version into your projectBEFORE importing this package.- All gestures, textures, materials, anims, FBX+Prefab included.- Dynamic bones and colliders: ears, Hair, Tail, Breasts etc.- Toggles via Inventory System: Hat, VRlabs Marker Menu...
Uses Arktoon shaders. Using an emissive eye shader (already included). Visemes and eye tracking included. Gestures: - Fingerpoint: Summon Athena. Also brings out the battle theme from persona 3 and particle effects. - Fist: Bring out your gatling guns. One on your left shoulder. One ...
Colours: Can change pants, shirt, hair, tail & ears. (PC has hue shift for eyes). ☠️ GoGo Loco for all your troubles! ☠️ Marker (PC): Draw yourself some cool designs! How to upload using VRCC Import Poiyomi shader that's provided in the package (poi shader is only for...