However, the area has never been determined by ASEAN as a free trade area yet. There is no blue print dealing with the area. 然而,东盟还没有把这个地区确定为自由贸易区,还没有描绘这个地区的蓝图。 2. On the last day, there was a protest march against war in Iraq and agains...
“free-trade zone”:与“free trade area”含义相近,都指自由贸易区域,通常用于描述一个地理区域内国家间的自由贸易协议。 “customs union”:指成员国之间取消关税和其他贸易壁垒,并对非成员国实行统一关税的经济联盟,是自由贸易区的一种更高级形式。 “trade bloc”:指通过贸易协议形...
free trade area和free trade zone是一个意思吗?在翻译free trade area或者是free trade zone的时候,与之对应的词只有一个,就是‘自由贸易区’。前些日子,在翻译一个法律文书的时候,看到一同事把我国沿海某城市的‘自由贸易区’误译成‘free trade area’,险些遭到美国客户的投诉。我们先来看看这两个词的...
A free trade area is a group of countries that have agreed to mutually lower or eliminate trade barriers for trade within the area. This allows participating countries to benefit from reduced tariffs while maintaining their existing protections for trade with countries outside of the area. What Ar...
2、盘一体化 关税同盟 优惠贸易安排 自由贸易区 按经济一体化的范围划分 按参加国的经济水平划分 区域经济一体化的形式优惠贸易安排(Preferential Trade Arrangements)自由贸易区(Free Trade Area)关税同盟(Customs Union)共同市场(Common Market)经济同盟(Economic Union)完全经济一体化(Complete Economic Integration)(一...
黄先耀在深圳前海调研时强调 扎实做好“廉洁示范区”各项工作 10-25 粤首创全球质量溯源体系 海淘商品也可“全球追责” 10-25 何忠友出席中国(广东)自由贸易试验区检验检疫第二批创新制度暨“品质中国”成果发布会 10-21 马兴瑞出席首届国际产能合作论坛暨第八届对外投资合作洽谈会 ...
自由贸易区(Free Trade Area),是指签订自由贸易协定的成员国相互彻底取消商品贸易中的关税和数量限制,使商品在各成员国之间可以自由流动的一片区域。但是,各成员国仍保持自己对来自非成员国进口商品的限制政…
自由贸易区FreeTradeArea关税同盟CustomsUnion 案例十九 在当今世界经济的发展中,涌动着经济全球化和区域经济一体化两股大潮。 问题: 1、 请同学们自己搜集资料进行归纳:区域经济一体化在欧洲、美洲和亚洲三大地区的发展状况是怎样的?它们分别发展到了什么层次(类型)? 2、区域经济一体化对其成员国(地区)的经济、对...
Contrary to what it sounds like, a free trade area isn't necessarily a physical location. Rather, it is an agreement between a group of countries that put up few or no barriers to trade in the form oftariffsorquotasamong them. Free trade areas tend to increase the volume of international...
(正确答案:Members of a free trade area removes barriers to the flow of goods and services among themselves while each memberstill adopts its own policy as regards to trade with outsiders.The most notable free trade area is the North American Free TradeAgreement(NAFTA),the largest free market ...