自由贸易区(Free Trade Area),是指签订自由贸易协定的成员国相互彻底取消商品贸易中的关税和数量限制,使商品在各成员国之间可以自由流动的一片区域。但是,各成员国仍保持自己对来自非成员国进口商品的限制政策。有的自由贸易区只对部分商品实行自由贸易,如“欧洲自由贸易联盟”内的自由贸易商品只限于工业品,而不包括...
However, the area has never been determined by ASEAN as a free trade area yet. There is no blue print dealing with the area. 然而,东盟还没有把这个地区确定为自由贸易区,还没有描绘这个地区的蓝图。 2. On the last day, there was a protest march against war in Iraq and agains...
自由贸易区FreeTradeArea关税同盟CustomsUnion 案例十九 在当今世界经济的发展中,涌动着经济全球化和区域经济一体化两股大潮。 问题: 1、 请同学们自己搜集资料进行归纳:区域经济一体化在欧洲、美洲和亚洲三大地区的发展状况是怎样的?它们分别发展到了什么层次(类型)? 2、区域经济一体化对其成员国(地区)的经济、对...
a自由贸易区(Free Trade Area-FTA)是指两个或多个经济体为消除他们之间现存的贸易壁垒,促进商品和服务的自由流动而缔结的关税区。 自由貿易政策(自由貿易区域FTA)示す2つをあるまたは多くの経済はのためのそのの間で現存する貿易障害、流れるように動く昇進の商品およびサービスが完了する関税区域を除去...
FTA(Free Trade Agreement)是自由贸易协定的简称,是指两个或两个以上的国家(包括单独关税区)为实现相互之间的贸易自由化所作的贸易安排。 由FTA的缔约方所形成的区域称为自由贸易区(Free Trade Area),自由贸易区是在WTOZui惠国待遇基础上,相互进一步开放市场,分阶段取消绝大部分货物的关税和非关税壁垒,在服务领域...
The ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) is a trade bloc agreement that promotes economic integration and regional trade.
中韩FTA原产地证代理,办理中韩原产地证流程自由贸易区(FreeTradeArea)FTA产地证办理,口到韩国的FTA原产地证是在海关办理还是在贸促会办理咨询我司办理!! 中韩原产地证FTA即中国-韩国自由贸易协定的原产地证明,于2015年12月20开始签发帼出口到韩国的货物办理中韩FTA原产地证可以实现零关税的减免政策,凭借中韩FTA原产地...
THE AFRICAN CONTINENTAL FREE TRADE AREA: TOWARD A NEW LEGAL MODEL FOR TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT International trade law is at a turning point, and the rules as we know them are being broken, rewritten, and reshaped at all levels. At the same time that... K Kuhlmann,AL Agutu - 《Georgetown...
A free trade zone (FTZ) in Malaysia is a specific area where businesses can operate with minimal customs checks and tax exemptions for most goods and services. Put simply, it's a place where production materials or goods are exempted from the usual import and export rules and taxes...
A free trade area is a group of countries that have mutually agreed to limit or eliminate trade barriers among them. Free trade areas tend to promote free trade and the international division of labor. The provisions of the agreement and the resulting scope of free trade are subject to polit...