! Printables for Preschoolersfrom $1! CLICK NOW! TeachersMag.comhas been designed to be a free online magazine dedicated to professional learning. Our goal is to make it possible for educators to have the ability to share with one another their best ideas as well as their classroom practices...
Learn More:Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds 24. Plant Life Cycle Learning about plants is interesting for kids and these printable worksheets will add to this science unit. You can use all the included activities or choose what meets your needs. I love the life cycle game myself. Learn More:Na...
The possibilities for teaching and learning with the preschool Valentine’s Day printables are limitless. Create a bulletin board for easy review of the shapes during math or circle time each day. Play “musical shapes” by passing a few at a time around the circle. When the music stops, th...
first time teaching almost 3 year olds bysanjajerem 37 Replies, 34,199 Views Online TEFL Courses??? byi2i 36 Replies, 43,833 Views Have you ever been embarrassed while teaching? byDenis DNT 35 Replies, 27,843 Views I'm fine, thank you. ...
First Day of School Printables Get ready for the first day of school with your 1st day signs, a fun game, 1st day of school craft, and these cute coloring pages! First Day of School Signs Free PrintableFirst Day of Preschool Sign
Allowing kids to decorate their pencils gives them a creative break, making the learning process more enjoyable. Displaying their completed pencils in the classroom gives students a sense of accomplishment and pride in their work. I remember when I did a similar activity with my class. The kids...
This is the perfect Valentine gift for your favorite young adult in your life! 43. Band- Aids-I’m stuck on you All 3 year olds love Band-Aids! And all parents love useful Valentines! 44. Lottery tickets-I won the lotto having you as a teacher ...
80 Things to do with 2 Year Olds Easy Harry Potter Butterbeer Recipe 13 Funny Prank Ideas for Kids You Might Also Like Free Kissy Lips Coloring Pages New Year’s Facts for Kids You Can Print Santa Hat Template For Kids of All Ages Free Giraffe Template Ready To Print Leave a comment ...
I am always trying to find new “positive” ways to encourage my 3 year olds to “be good.” This is one thing that has worked for my 2- three year olds. (boy/girl twins). I often find that some things are a battle…getting dressed, putting shoes on, picking up toys, etc. ...
Four Quiet Time Activities for 2 and 3 Year Olds by My Nearest and Dearest –These ideas are fantastic! Painting the dollhouse with water is a great activity, and I know the laundry one would be a hit with my little guy too! Even More Quiet Time Activities! ABC Match with Stickers and...