Choose from 1000's of Free Printables & 2025 Calendars | Planners | Digital Planners | Coloring Pages | Kids Games & Activities | Party Printables | Banners | Cards
! Printables for Preschoolersfrom $1! CLICK NOW! TeachersMag.comhas been designed to be a free online magazine dedicated to professional learning. Our goal is to make it possible for educators to have the ability to share with one another their best ideas as well as their classroom practices...
The possibilities for teaching and learning with the preschool Valentine’s Day printables are limitless. Create a bulletin board for easy review of the shapes during math or circle time each day. Play “musical shapes” by passing a few at a time around the circle. When the music stops, th...
Bingo is so much fun at any age. This version is great for helping little kids practice shape identification. I would laminate the cards for durability and then they can be reused year after year. They also help with listening skills. I bet most kids won’t want to miss hearing a shape...
User NamePasswordRemember Me? Lost Password?|Join, it's FREE! View today's posts SearchExtrasHelp Popular Teaching Discussions What age group do you prefer? byEric 47 Replies, 60,537 Views first time teaching almost 3 year olds ...
First Day of School Printables Get ready for the first day of school with your 1st day signs, a fun game, 1st day of school craft, and these cute coloring pages! First Day of School Signs Free PrintableFirst Day of Preschool Sign
This is the perfect Valentine gift for your favorite young adult in your life! 43. Band- Aids-I’m stuck on you All 3 year olds love Band-Aids! And all parents love useful Valentines! 44. Lottery tickets-I won the lotto having you as a teacher ...
I am always trying to find new “positive” ways to encourage my 3 year olds to “be good.” This is one thing that has worked for my 2- three year olds. (boy/girl twins). I often find that some things are a battle…getting dressed, putting shoes on, picking up toys, etc. ...
Print the Template: Start by printing out the pencil template. Make sure you have enough copies for each student. Cut Out the Pencils: Have the kids carefully cut out the pencil shapes. This is a great way to practice their fine motor skills. ...
Plan a special New Year’s Eve party for the kids. Be sure to print out these fun free New Year Printables. Let’s make more New Year’s Eve memories! Check out these January winter coloring pages! Don’t miss these NYE gluten and dairy free appetizers! Grab this fun New Year goals...