例如,您可以使用以下公式返回过去十二个月中美国制造商的轻型卡车和多功能车的平均装运价格:= KydWeb_AVERAGE(“ FRB”,“ A36BVS”,-12,-1)另一个例子是,领先指数实质上预测了GDP的六个月增长率。如果我们将当前期间的1/1/2009期间作为参考,则此公式将预测2012年1月1日加利福尼亚领先指数的价值:= KydWeb...
Focusing on US GDP, consumption and investment growth, our results suggest that the news data contains information not captured by the hard economic indicators, and that the news‐based data are particularly informative for forecasting consumption developments....
with a sense of humor. As a macro-investor, I study the directional tendencies of the markets. I know they are impacted by economic data—things like unemployment figures, inflation, GDP growth rates and public company earnings reports. But financial markets are also responsive to Geo-Political ...
Build ChatGPT over your data, all with natural language - rags/pg_essay.txt at main · fredatgithub/rags
Shortcut: fred-gdp-wage.ipynb : U.S. GDP vs. Wage Income How is wage correlated with GDP output? In answering this question, we derive a model for GDP growth based on observations from wage growth. Shortcut: fred-georeturns.ipynb : ...
Fred St Louis这个数据库的数据主要是美联储搜集的一些关于美国(及一些其他国家)经济基本面的数据,包括名义/实际GDP增长,人均名义/实际GDP,商业地产价格,就业率等等。 538这个数据库为公众提供可视化工具及数据,聚焦于一些时下热点,包括Omicron的爆发地,拜登的名义支持率时间曲线,职业橄榄球...
Terminal Growth Rate: A terminal rate of nominal 4% was chosen to reflect a persistent growth for MELI. Given that MELI operates in LATAM and has huge revenue exposure to Brazil specifically, I factored in Brazil’s average GDP growth rate at 3-4% ...