FragmentinAndroid: TutorialwithExampleusingWebView In this post we want to explain how to use fragment in Android with a real example. In the last post we talked about Fragment in Android and how we can use it to support multiple screen. We described their lifecycle and how we can use it...
Understand the concept of Fragments following our tutorial with 2 examples in Android Studio. We also explain need, class and other important activity about it.
And that’s how you can get the current fragment in an Android application, both in Kotlin and in Java. Feel free to copy and adjust the code in this tutorial for your Android application. 😉
Well, the first use case is integration testing usingFragmentScenario. To be honest, even though I used Robolectric in the past, nowadays I’m not a big fan of integration testing in Android. So, for the sake of this discussion, let’s assume that you don’t do that either. Are there...
入门( 教程1 ( 教程2 ( ...
Fragment,简称碎片,是Android 3.0(API11)提出的,为了兼容低版本,support-v4库中也开发了一套Fragment API,最低兼容Android 1.6。 过去support-v4库是一个jar包,24.2.0版本开始,将support-v4库模块化为多个jar包,包含:support-fragment, support-ui, support-media-compat等,这么做是为了减少APK包大小,你需要用哪个...
A fluent tooltip for Android androidsampletutorialmaterialcustomviewtooltipshowcasefragmentgravityshowindicatoractivityedittexthint UpdatedJul 2, 2020 Java GCX-HCI/ThirtyInch Star1k a MVP library for Android favoring a stateful Presenter androidlibraryrxjavaarchitecturemvpmvvmfragmentrxjava2activity ...
Navigation in mobile applications, when done right, can have tremendous positive impact on overall user experience. Android offers application developers multiple ways of implementing navigation in their application. However, not all navigation patterns
In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing and implementing DiffUtil in our android application. If you haven’t implemented RecyclerView yet, refer this tutorial before proceeding ahead. 在本教程中,我们将在android应用程序中讨论和实现DiffUtil。 如果尚未实现RecyclerView,请先参考本教程,然后再继续。
手把手教你使用Android官方组件Navigation Playing with Navigation Architecture Components The Navigation Architecture Component Tutorial: Getting Started Handle Complex Navigation Flow with Single-Activity Architecture and Android Jetpack’s Navigation component ...