使用FAT32 f_write 多次执行写操作时,会报FR_DISK_ERR错误,而且是刚开始写不报错,写几次后会一直报错。 设断点跟踪到HAL_SD_WriteBlocks中,在调用SDMMC_CmdWriteMultiBlock时,会报SDMMC_ERROR_TX_UNDERRUN,意思 是Transmit FIFO underrun 2、原因分析 如下图所示,SDMMC开始写操作时,首先要将数据写入FIFO,然后再...
Before doing f_write(), I am doing sprintf() for the float values and converting the float values to char string. I am converting 90 float values to char string at a time in a for loop and the char string is being passed to f_write() to write on sdcard. ...
最近在操作TF卡,芯片stm32f103c8t6,编译环境KEIL,金士顿32G卡,用Fatfs文件系统向卡中写入数据。 出现的问题:f_open函数返回值为FR_DISK_ERR...检查diskio.c文件中的disk_initialize()、disk_status()、disk_read()、disk_write()这几个函数 解决方法总结:1改写扇区函数2每次写了之后都加一个小延时 Fatfs文件...
xil_printf("ERROR : f_mount returned %d\n\r", sdResult); return XST_FAILURE; } //Create a new file (if it exists, over-write). Open in Write and Read mode. sdLog_File = (char *)sdFileName; sdResult = f_open(&sdFile1, sdLog_File, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE | FA_READ...