使用FAT32 f_write 多次执行写操作时,会报FR_DISK_ERR错误,而且是刚开始写不报错,写几次后会一直报错。 设断点跟踪到HAL_SD_WriteBlocks中,在调用SDMMC_CmdWriteMultiBlock时,会报SDMMC_ERROR_TX_UNDERRUN,意思 是Transmit FIFO underrun 2、原因分析 如下图所示,SDMMC开始写操作时,首先要将数据写入FIFO,然后再...
I am converting 90 float values to char string at a time in a for loop and the char string is being passed to f_write() to write on sdcard. It is writing to sdcard also but sometime f_write is failing with FR_DISK_ERR putting me vulnerable to miss data. ...
resclose = f_close(&fdst);最后关闭文件的时候报错为“FR_DISK_ERR ”。但在读SD卡文档的时候都...
I am writing these data in SDcard, But sometimes while writing [function: f_write()], it fails with FR_DISK_ERR frequently and further if I am trying to write it fails FR_INVALID_OBJECT.It works only after I do f_close() and again f_open(), which is more addon to to code...
f_sync解决fatfs文件掉电数据丢失问题 f_sync ( FIL* FileObject /*文件对象结构的指针 */ ); 参数 FileObject 待冲洗的打开的文件对象的指针。返回值FR_OK (0)函数成功。FR_DISK_ERR由于底层磁盘I/O函数中的错误,而导致该函数失败。FR_INT_ERR由于一个错误的FAT结构或一个内部错误,而导致该函数失败。FR...
case FR_DISK_ERR:break;case FR_INT_ERR:break;case FR_NOT_ENABLED:break;case FR_NO_FILESYSTEM...
return ( FR_DISK_ERR) ; } if (fmt){ return ( FR_NO_FILESYSTEM) ; /* No FAT volume is found */ } What's wrong now? Is it possible that the root of the problem is my 8GB SDHC card? Is it too much...
DSTATUS disk_status ( BYTE pdrv /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */ ) { if(pdrv == SPI_FLASH) { return RES_OK; } else { printf("!!!disk_status ERR\r\n"); return RES_PARERR; } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
SD FAT32 error FR_DISK_ERR Hi all, After not getting any answers here: https://support.xilinx.com/s/question/0D52E00006hpaeSSAQ I decided I'd try to accomplish my goal using the FAT32 filesystem. I'm using the code from here for the most part. http://embeddedcentric.com/data-logg...