31375 - Spartan-6 and Spartan-3A Extended Generation FPGA - CONFIG VCCAUX constraint must be used when changing VCCAUX voltage Description In the Spartan-6 and Spartan-3A extended families (which include Spartan-3A, Spartan-3AN, and Spartan-3A DSP FPGA), the VCCAUX voltage can be set to eith...
cd /home/paladinw/mine/riscv/rocket-chip && java -Xmx2G -Xss8M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -jar /home/paladinw/mine/riscv/rocket-chip/sbt-launch.jar "run-main rocketchip.Generator /home/paladinw/mine/riscv/rocket-chip/vsim/generated-src rocketchip TestHarness rocketchip DefaultFPGAConfig" Ope...
FPGA_CONTROL_CONFIG_SPACE FpgaControlConfigSpace; NTSTATUS FpgaControlConfigSpace( [_In_reads_opt_(_Inexpressible_("varies"))] PVOID Context, [_In_] BOOLEAN Enable ) {...} ParametersContextThe handle to the bus extension.[_In_] EnableA...
The U-Boot runs perfectly when the fpga configured from u-boot from QSPI flash. I'm trying to configure fpga from external EPCQL. - Checked external-fpga-config box on u-boot. - Programmed the epcql with the JIC file that converted from sof file that rbf files ...
这是一个输入管脚, 但在其外部应该加的有下拉电阻.在整个系统初始上过程中,如CPU/DSP等还没有完成初始化来配置此管脚的时候,该管脚被拉低.
Right now, I am updating the sof n elf file to the FPGA board by the USB Blaster and the Flash Programmer. I would like to updated these files by the RS232, and I will write a simple PC software for the update. And I want the board to start-up when it's power...
在一个新的XILINX XCKU040 FPGA 设计中,SPI支持X8模式,此时BIT生成约束如下: # the hardware support spix8, will boot faster from flash#set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.SPI_BUSWIDTH 8 [current_design]#set_property CONFIG_MODE SPIx8 [current_design]set_propertyBITSTREAM.CONFIG.SPI_BUSWIDTH4[current_desi...
Small computer-on-module boards help match the changing needs for CPU power and memory to more fixed custom I/O for embedded applications. Adding FPGAs to such modules increases flexibility and the ability to rapidly adapt to changing processing needs.Chris WrightVipin AhujaRtc Magazine...