之前学习时,成功运行过HelloWorld实验和MIO实验,但是最近连接上开发板后Vivado会报错 [Labtoolstcl 44-513] HW Target shutdown. Closing target: localhost:3121/xilinx_tcf/Xilinx/00000000000000。 如果继续操作加载到SDK,最后往FPGA加载时会报错:Error while launching program:fpga configuration failed.DONE PIN is ...
3. What makes the MAX10 devices triggers the CONF_DONE pin not to go High? Looking forward for the answer. Best regards, Hasif Translate Intel MAX10 FPGA Configuration Failure.pdf 1186 KB 0 Kudos Reply All forum topics Previous topic Next topic 1 Reply ShafiqY_Intel Employee...
change the mode pins to Internal Master SPI mode and pulse the PROG pin to trigger configuration...
Error (209014): CONF_DONE pin failed to go high in device 1. Make sure all communication cables are ... Additionally, I have verified that the CONF_DONE pin remains high at all times. I would also like to ask about the behavior of the JTAG interface. I...
Configuration TheIntelCyclone10GXFPGAdevicecanbeconfiguredusingdifferentmodes.Mode selectioncanbedoneusingDIPswitchS1. Table8.ConfigurationModeSettings ConfigurationSchemeVCCPGM(V)Power-OnResetDelayValidMSEL[2:0] JTAG-basedConfigurationUseanyvalidMSELpin ...
Attempting to identify devices in the boundary-scan chain configuration...INFO:iMPACT - Current time...
再次选择process,右键选择configuration。配置其中DONE管脚为普通IO管脚。 在配置窗口选择,DUAL-PUROSE pin 选择 USE DONE as regular IO,设定为普通的IO功能。 双击place&route 或者右键选择run。 完成布局布线操作以后,选择program device。 开发板上面下载线缆连接对应的管脚。插入烧录器排线。USB电源暂时不插入。
LCK cycle: NoWait INFO:iMPACT - '1': Checking done pin...done. '1': Programming terminated. DONE did not go high. PROGRESS_END - End Operation. Elapsed time = 3 sec. 连接如图所示。没有经过配置芯片,是JTAG直连的。 1.jpg (177.17 KB ) 连接图 使用特权 评论回复 赏 点赞相关...
Flexible device configuration through JTAG and SPI interface Support remote update, by "dual-boot" like implementation Download Datasheet EVB Schematics Pinout 你看看这款 和 iCE40 UP5k 比对下 来自WeTab SIGer的消息: 以下是AG6KL144和iCE40 UP5k的对比分析,以便于您更好地理解这两款FPGA之间的差异和...
Mount SD card failed at FSBL check the format of your SD card: it must beFAT32withMBR How to add SD card support? replace the<your_linux_dir>/drivers/spi/spi_xilinx.cwith a modified version I provided in/linux_driver cause there are several new configuration for linux, you have to re...