The folks at and have just announced a portfolio of Compression and Encryption IP cores, available now, for the LatticeECP3 FPGA family.This portfolio features a Payload Compression System core that enables improved utilization of constrained channel bandwidth, making it ideal for use in Microwave ...
4.2 加密/解密 加密/解密算法可以使用AES或DES等对称算法,对于7系列或7系列以下的型号,需要自行设计AES或DES的加密/解密逻辑;而对于UltraScale &UltraScale+的设备,Xilinx提供有AES的IP core,可以直接应用。本文仅介绍相对简单的DES加密/解密逻辑。 DES算法全称为Data Encryption Standard,即数据加密算法,它是IBM公司于...
CHIP ID is the unique ID that comes with Altera′s Cyclone V series FPGAs.Each CHIP ID can be read by calling the IP core, this ID can be added to the personalized encryption algorithm according to the needs of developers and combined with the specified FPGA to generate configuration ...
For details, refer to Encrypting RTL IP Core With Licensing. Encryption without licensing Your encrypted IP can be integrated freely using Quartus® Prime software. No licensing is enforced. For details, refer to Encrypting RTL IP Cores Without Licensing. Parent topic: Integrating Your RTL IP Cor...
此外,openwifi在软件无线电平台(Zynq SoC+AD9361)方面使用了Analog devices的HDL参考设计(和它的Linux kernel版本(,也使用了Xilinx的一些相关IP core和Xilinx AXI DMA Linux驱动例程,并根据Wi-Fi需求进行了必要的修改,这样可以省...
Revised topics on Intel® FPGA IP Evaluation Mode (formerly OpenCore). Added note that IP core encryption is supported only in Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition. Revised product branding for Intel® standards. Date Version Changes 2016.10.31 16.1 Removed references to ....
In fact, you can implement any CPU in FPGA with soft IP core. Power consumption depends on many factors, such as supply voltage, clock speed, logic utilization, etc. All Actel"s FPGA a 问:ACTEL的FPGA安全性和其它厂家相比,有什么特色吗? 答: Actel"s FPGA is well know if its security ...
摘要:采用Altera公司FPGA提供的PCIe PHY IP和Synopsys公司提供的PCIe Core IP提出了一种PCIe总线接口的DMA控制器的实现方法,并搭建了4通道的PCIe传输系统。利用Synopsys VIP验证环境对系统进行了仿真验证,利用Altera Stratix V EX系列FPGA搭建平台进行了实际传输验证,验证了数据读写的正确性,在进行DMA读写事务操作时总线...
基于FPGA的高性能SHA2-512加密IP SHA2-512 Encryption IP SHA2-512加密IP完全兼容消息摘要算法SHA2-512的实现。 Core可以接收长达2^128-1 bits的消息长度,按照1024-bit大小对消息进行分块处理,并对不足1024-bit的消息结尾进行补位以及消息长度值的添加,计算结果是产生512-bit的消息摘要。
SHA2-256 Encryption IP SHA2-256加密IP完全兼容消息摘要算法SHA2-256的实现。 Core可以接收长达2^64-1 bits的消息长度,按照512-bit大小对消息进行分块处理,并对不足512-bit的消息结尾进行补位以及消息长度值的添加,计算结果是产生256-bit的消息摘要。