Intel英特尔低延迟100G以太网英特尔®FPGAIP核心用户指南:适用于英特尔®Stratix®10设备用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 LowLatency100GEthernetIntel® FPGAIPCoreUserGuide ®® ForIntelStratix10Devices ®® UpdatedforIntelQuartusPrimeDesignSuite:21.1 IPVersion:19.2.0 OnlineVersionID:683100...
1.3.IPCoreVerification BeforereleasingaversionoftheRapidIOIPcore,Intelrunscomprehensiveregression testsinthecurrentversionoftheIntelIntelQuartus®Primesoftware.Thesetestsuse theparametereditorandthePlatformDesigner(Standard)systemintegrationtoolto createtheinstancefiles.Thesefilesaretestedinsimulationandhardwaretoconfirm ...
nextpnr for Xilinx devicesnextpnr是开源的place & route工具,目前支持Xilinx的两条flow,一是接入RapidWr...
Today, we are excited to announce the successful implementation of iWave’s ARINC 818 IP Core on Microsemi PolarFire FPGA devices. The PolarFire devices offer the highest security, small form factor, flash-based FPGA, that consume 50% low power competing to mid-range FPGA’s. Ad Hardware ...
软核是由 FPGA 厂商或 SOC 厂商提供的基于软件实现的 IP,它们是用硬件描述语言(如 Verilog 或 VHDL...
1.Aboutthe5GPolarIntelFPGAIP TheIPimplementspolarcodescompliantwiththe3rdGenerationPartnershipProject (3GPP)5Gspecificationforintegrationinyourwirelessdesign.Polarcodessupportthe highthroughputfor5Gnewradio(NR). TheIPcomprises: •Polarencoderandpolarlistdecoderwithalistsizeof4or8 ...
Flex Logix proves out all of its IP cores in silicon for each major process node to ensure low risk of integration, even though its IP is all digital and compatible with logic DRC rules and the IP is simulated under worst case conditions: maximum frequency, high utilization and RTL with ve...
The FIR II Intel IP core provides a fully-integrated finite impulse response (FIR) filter function optimized for use with Intel FPGA devices. The FIR II IP core has an interactive parameter editor that allows you to easily create custom FIR filters. The parameter editor outputs IP functional ...
The Grovf RDMA IP core and host drivers provide RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE v2) system implementation and integration with standard Verbs API. RDMA IP is delivered with reference design which includes the IP subsystem itself the 100G MAC IP subsystem, DMA subsystem, host drivers, and ...