【foxhole散兵..模组简介:改进了海军更新后的地图,加入了不同等级的道路颜色、等高线、腐蚀区、特殊地图建筑等原作者链接:https://rustard.itch.io/improved-map-mod网盘链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1zDsC_HJkQe5OQdWOCT53TQ?pwd=c7c6 提取码:c7c6 --来自百度
Matt (map designer) has been waiting awhile to get some new assets into his map toolset. Props like this burnt out vehicle toolkit are built in such a way to create endless variations in a variety of states. Tools like this will allow us to create more engaging and immersive environments...
This sort of standardized communication tool is obviously wonderful, but it can feel removed from the world of Foxhole a bit. We realized that people want to quickly digest all of this information in a place they are always looking, the map screen. Bonus: You can see a failed attempt at ...
As the oldest map in Foxhole, Deadlands holds a special place—not just in our hearts—in the hearts of many players who've been with us for years. When we make changes to Deadlands, often it comes at a cost. In update 26, it was really a "Kill Your Darlings" moment for us. T...
The map below gives a sense of how big the world may eventually become. To put things into perspective, the Deadlands is just that little area at the center of the map here. While a lot of factors will determine the final size of the playable world, we are aiming to have an area th...
As the oldest map in Foxhole, Deadlands holds a special place—not just in our hearts—in the hearts of many players who've been with us for years. When we make changes to Deadlands, often it comes at a cost. In update 26, it was really a "Kill Your Darlings" moment for us. ...
Target World Map UI As we've talked about in the past, World Conquest will be built over many updates and the first available version will be very bare bones. Do not expect version 1 to be a complete experience! We see this as a long term project that will go through many iterations ...