链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Xhu-1-ZY85KCD132OEJrJw?pwd=g1x7 提取码:g1x7 --来自百度网盘超级会员V4的分享原作者链接:https://sentsu.itch.io/foxhole-better-map-mod 3楼2024-01-05 23:49 回复 郑成功_Z 吧主 10 如何使用mod将mod下载后放入foxhole游戏根目录/War/Content/Paks 文件夹里 ...
Matt (map designer) has been waiting awhile to get some new assets into his map toolset. Props like this burnt out vehicle toolkit are built in such a way to create endless variations in a variety of states. Tools like this will allow us to create more engaging and immersive environments...
I can keep the versatility and coverage of a split system and just use the whole body when I’m sure it will not break anything. The outcome is so much better, with the added bonus that I didn’t touch any of the underlying system created by...
@Adam The process of developing new promo illustration is quite a time consuming and iterative. Generally, it starts from the theme of the update. Once we have a clear sense of the "story" of the update we then have a clear starting point. I first generate a series of thumbn...
As the oldest map in Foxhole, Deadlands holds a special place—not just in our hearts—in the hearts of many players who've been with us for years. When we make changes to Deadlands, often it comes at a cost. In update 26, it was really a "Kill Your Darlings" moment for us. ...
The map below gives a sense of how big the world may eventually become. To put things into perspective, the Deadlands is just that little area at the center of the map here. While a lot of factors will determine the final size of the playable world, we are aiming to have an area th...
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