Kinetics and thermodynamics of folding of a de novo designed four-helix bundle protein. J Mol Biol 1996;263: 323-343.Guo Z, Thirumalai D. Kinetics and thermodynamics of folding of a de novo designed four-helix bundle protein. J Mol Biol. 1996; 263:323-343. [Pub...
We are pursuing a combinatorial approach to understand better the sequence structure-relationship: sorting large libraries of protein variants for structured proteins. We have developed a high-throughput cell-based screen for activity of the well-studied four-helix bundle protein Rop. To collect ...
Monte Carlo studies on equilib- rium globular protein folding. III. The four helix bundle. Biopolymers 281097-1113, 1989.Sikorski A, Skolnick J. Monte Carlo studies on equilibrium globular protein folding. III. The four helix bundle. Biopolymers. 1989 Jun; 28 (6):1097–1113....
Rationally redesigned variants of the 4-helix-bundle protein Rop are described. The novel proteins have simplified, repacked, hydrophobic cores and yet reproduce the structure and native-like physical properties of the wild-type protein. The repacked proteins have been characterized thermodynamically and ...
Thus, multiple Mn-clusters can be incorporated into four-helix bundles with the capability of performing catalysis and electron transfer to a natural protein.BBA - BioenergeticsTien L. OlsonEduardo EspirituSelvakumar EdwardrajaElizabeth CanarieMarco FloresJoAnn C. WilliamsGiovanna GhirlandaJames P. ...
One of the most common topologies encountered among the examples of de novo proteins is the four-helix bundle [4]. In addition to providing models for understanding the challenges of the folding process, de novo proteins are novel molecules with potentially useful applications [5]. The α-helix...
The stability of proteins is an important factor for industrial and medical applications. Improving protein stability is one of the main subjects in protein engineering. In a previous study, we improved the stability of a four-helix bundle dimeric de nov
The rates of amide hydrogen exchange were similar for the two bundles, suggesting that differences in binding affinity were not due to changes in protein stability. Binding of halothane to both four-α-helix bundle proteins stabilized the native folded conformations. Molecular dynamics simulations of ...
Analysis of peptide design in four-, five-, and six-helix bundle template assembled synthetic protein molecules Four-, five-, and six-helix bundle template assembled synthetic proteins (TASPs) have been synthesized using disulfide bonds between cavitand templates and... ES Seo,JC Sherman - 《Pep...