Image pages can be uploaded and stored in the Foundry VTT user data folder, or linked to an external image URL (if the host of the remote image supports external linking). Video Video pages can be used to play a specific video for one or more users. Video files can be uploaded from ...
Foundry VTT User Data Folder (default location:~/FoundryVTT/Library/Application Support/FoundryVTT/Config/) Launch Foundry VTT and from the Setup menu, click the Configuration tab and change the following settings: Port: 443SSL Certificate: fullchain.pemSSL Key: privkey.pem Press "Save Changes",...
Tokenizer provides the user with: Adds hotkeys for zooming and panning on the canvas without mousewheel Foundry VTT Modules for 13th Age Foundry modules that work within the 13th Age System are noted here. These may include NPC compendiums that may be legally shared, world saves, character she... Remember to enable the module in the Manage Modules menu after installation. General use Any rectangle, ellipse or polygon drawing can be used to define a special region for automation. The shape and ...
I can't use the return to setup feature or log in to Foundry VTT. I am seeing a red warning message about resetting my admin password. I am seeing the following error message: The provided server administrator password is invalid. If you have forgotten your configured password you will need...
or delete your personal data at any time. You may view your personal data on your website user profile page, where you may also modify that data. To request the deletion of personal data, or the deletion of your website account you may send an email toadmin@foundryvtt.comfrom the email...
(WARNING|ERROR): Shader.+$ Console.AppReadyRegex=^FoundryVTT \| [\d-]+ [\d:]+ \| \[info\] Server started and listening on port \d+$ Console.UserJoinRegex=^$ Console.UserLeaveRegex=^$ Console.UserChatRegex=^$ Console.UpdateAvailableRegex=^\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\] \[INFO...
Fix link creation on FoundryVTT v12 Update to German localization, thanks to @MrViso #1539 Version 0.10.13 When not specified, all changes were made by @castanhocorreia, @HavlockV, and @snap01. Add found CoC ID name on links that use CoC ID as the selector Add filter byt era to ...
In order to configure your use of S3, Foundry VTT needs to be provided with an JSON configuration which can be stored as a file in the Config sub-folder of your User Data directory or embedded in-line as part of your options.json configuration file. The configuration data provided is ...
changelog:${{steps.get_version.outputs.version}}/ bugs:${{github.repository}}/issues - name: Zip files run: | cp LICENSE dist/ cd dist/ zip -r module.json CHA...