铸造VTT Pathbuilder2e导入 Foundry VTT导入Pathbuilder 2e字符的模块。 请注意,此模块尝试将Pathbuilder 2e专长,特色产品和项目与Foundry项目匹配,并且由于数据库差异,在所有情况下均无法完美运行。 从Pathbuilder 2e导入的指南 安装此模块或让您的GM在Foundry VTT中进行。
Adds a button at the bottom of the Scenes tab that allows you to import .dd2vtt files as scenes. If you make your maps with Dungeondraft (which I highly recommend, especially with the Forgotten Adventures and Tom Cartos assets), this module will save you hours of prep work....