Our PDF versions come with VTT-ready maps included in the download, so you can use them in any VTT Foundry VTT Compatible We release all our adventures as premium Foundry VTT modules that are easy to import and use in your game --> ...
Fix link creation on FoundryVTT v12 Update to German localization, thanks to @MrViso #1539 Version 0.10.13 When not specified, all changes were made by @castanhocorreia, @HavlockV, and @snap01. Add found CoC ID name on links that use CoC ID as the selector Add filter byt era to ...
Foundry VTT adds a custom formatting called Secret to text entries which will only be visible to the GM or Owner of the Journal Entry. You can create a Secret by selecting "Block" and then "Secret" from the Paragraph formatting menu. If text is selected when you choose 'secret' it will...
铸造VTT Pathbuilder2e导入 Foundry VTT导入Pathbuilder 2e字符的模块。 请注意,此模块尝试将Pathbuilder 2e专长,特色产品和项目与Foundry项目匹配,并且由于数据库差异,在所有情况下均无法完美运行。 从Pathbuilder 2e导入的指南 安装此模块或让您的GM在Foundry VTT中进行。
Adds a button at the bottom of the Scenes tab that allows you to import .dd2vtt files as scenes. If you make your maps with Dungeondraft (which I highly recommend, especially with the Forgotten Adventures and Tom Cartos assets), this module will save you hours of prep work....