foundryvtt UpdatedJul 31, 2024 HTML bryancasler/Bryans-Preferred-Modules-for-FoundryVTT Star130 My personally cultivated list of FoundryVTT Modules for Dungeons and Dragons 5e and Pathfinder 2e that play nicely together without creating an overwhelming amount of UI options or causing noticeable FPS ...
As with any server software, hosting Foundry VTT can require some network configuration to allow users to connect. It is also possible to use some simple network configuration for convenience or to provide some additional, more advanced features of FVTT (such asAudio/Video Chat Integration). This...
Standard Foundry VTT behavior clones items when they are dragged and dropped from 1 actor-sheet to another. If you prefer the item to not be duplicated, this module might be what you are looking for: TransferStuff causes the item to be deleted from the original sheet when it is dropped on...
Version 9 brings support for card games to Foundry VTT. We have implemented a system-agnostic method for handling Card Decks, Card Hands, and Card Piles which can be assigned to users in your game. The Cards system brings with it everything you need to play a functional (if rudi...
Linking the built project to Foundry VTTIn order to provide a fluent development experience, it is recommended to link the built system to your local Foundry VTT installation's data folder. In order to do so, first add a file called foundryconfig.json to the project root with the following...