Table 3. PINN for the Steady-State ADE With Dirichlet Boundary Conditions: Parameters in the Training Algorithm 1st Step: Adam2nd Step: L-BFGS-B Learning rateBatch sizeIterationftolgtol 0.001 100 10,000 1.0 × 10−10 1.0 × 10−8 Abbreviations: ADE, advection-dispersion equation; PINN,...
A New Algorithm for 2-D Transport for Astrophysical Simulations: I. General Formulation and Tests for the 1-D Spherical Case We derive new equations using the mixed-frame approach for one- andtwo-dimensional (axisymmetric) time-dependent radiation transport and theassociated couplings with matter. ...
One approach for addressing this problem is to use the most recent rateless codes, such as Raptor Q codes with maximum likelihood (ML) decoding algorithm [9, 10], to enhance coding performance for delivering delay-sensitive applications across future 5G networks. Raptor Q codes are a high-...
Therefore, in this study, the SIMPLE algorithm was combined with the finite volume method to discretize continuity, X, Y momentum, and energy equations in the computational domain. The conservation equations (1) assuming two dimensions, steady flow and a Newtonian fluid, can be written as ...
The root mean square error and mutual information based on the scale-invariant feature transform algorithm registration were significantly greater than those based on the manual registration. Fibre distribution gradually decreased from ...