For any function whose return value is not an intrinsic type, you can use the RESULT(var) attribute in the function declaration. For example:[fortran]function myalloc(nbytes) result(cptr) bind(C) use iso_c_binding integer, value :: nbytes type(c_ptr) :: cptr ... cptr ...
1. 内部函数(intrinsic function) 内建在Fortran语言中的函数,例如:SIN(X),LOG(X) 2. 用户自定义函数(user-defined function) 用户定义函数由程序员定义, 用来满足标准内部函数无法解决的特定需求。 通用格式: FUNCTIONname(parameter_list)...!在声明部分必须声明name的类型...!执行部分 ...
program declaration use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: rk => real64 implicit none integer :: i = 1 !! 单精度整型 real(rk) :: x = 1.0_rk, xs(10) !! 浮点型标量 x 与数组 xs real(rk) :: y = 2.0_rk !! 设置特定的浮点型精度 xs = [real(rk) ::(i, i=1, 10)] !
The equivalent VBA declaration would be: Private Declare PtrSafe Function mean Lib "C:\workspace\ExcelDll\fortran-library.dll" _ (ByRef x As Single, ByVal n As Integer) As Single The above prototype has a few details that require explaining. First, we've declared this function with the "P...
programprogram_nameimplicitnone! type declaration statements! executable statementsendprogramprogram_name Fortran中的一个简单程序 让我们编写一个程序,添加两个数字并打印结果 - programaddNumbers! This simple program adds two numbersimplicitnone! Type declarationsreal:: a, b, result! Executable statementsa ...
In C and C++ modules, you can specify theSTDCALLcalling convention by using the __stdcall keyword in a function prototype or definition. Windows procedures and API functions also use the __stdcall convention. The following example shows how aSTDCALLfunction declaration handles stack calling convention...
8、重于数据类型的声明与其他相关属性的兼容,因为从语言的简洁与自然的角度出发,把一个数据对象的类型和其他属性都归结为一条数据声明语句是非常可取的,所以我们得到如下的一般的类型声明句法形式(R501): type-specification ,attribute- specification: entity-declaration-list即作为选项,在一条数据对象的类型声明(type...
(Declaration section must declare type of name) ... (Execution section) ... name = expr RETURN END FUNCTION [name] 其中,TYPE表示函数的返回值类型,使用IMPLICIT NONE语句时,必须要指名函数的返回类型,如果有使用IMPLICIT NONE语句,那么函数的返回类型将默认使用Fortran的内置规则。RETURN语句只是表示结束本函...
function myfun ([argument list]) result ([return variable name]) [Module imports here] implicit none [Arguments with intent (in)] !< Description of 'in' argument [Return variable type declaration] !< Description of return variable [Local constants] [Local variables] [Executable code] end func...
By default the Fortran VS integration creates a source fold ( the little + or – sign on the left margin) at each subroutine or function declaration that you click to collapse or expand the visibility of that section. I like this feature as with one shortcut keystroke you can collapse “...