How can I store the Fortran function's return value in my C++ caller?The Fortran module:MODULE RationalArithmeticIMPLICIT NONEPRIVATEPUBLIC :: rationalTYPE rationalPRIVATEINTEGER :: num,denomEND TYPE rationalCONTAINSTYPE(rational) ELEMENTAL FUNCTION Reduce(rat)TYPE(rational), INTENT(IN) :: rat...
type :: return_value ! function body end function 例如,下面是一个简单的Fortran函数,它计算两个整数的和: function add_numbers (a, b) result(sum) integer :: a, b, sum sum = a + b end function 在这个函数中,参数a和b是整数类型,而返回值sum也是整数类型。函数体只包含一行代码,它将参数a和...
CBRT This funcion evaluates the cube root.Function Return Value CBRT — Function value. (Output)Required Arguments X — Argument for which the cube root is desired. (Input)FORTRAN 90 Interface Generic: CBRT (X)a Specific: The specific interface names are S_CBRT, D_CBRT, C_CBRT...
书写: [形容词][返回类型] Function 名称([虚参1,虚参2...]) [虚参的声明] [局部变量的定义] 函数内部实现 名称=返回值 [return]!//尾部可忽略 End [Function [名称]] 调用:返回变量=名称([实参1,实参2...]) 典型子例程的书写和调用:
函数的变量: 局部变量 和 全局变量 Python中的任何变量都有特定的作用域 在函数中定义的变量一般只能在...
Results can even change sign due to the sin curve being too close to an x-intercept value when evaluated. To maintain consistency in this case, you can assure that the compiler generates code that calls a function. According to the x86 ABI, a function call must push its arguments on the...
real*8 function mxGetScalar(pm) integer*4 pm Arguments(参数): pm: Pointer to an mxArray; cannot be a cell mxArray, a structure mxArray, or an empty mxArray. Returns(返回值): The value of the first real (nonimaginary) element of the mxArray. ...
书写: [形容词][返回类型] Function 名称([虚参1,虚参2...]) [虚参的声明] [局部变量的定义] 函数内部实现 名称=返回值 [return]!//尾部可忽略 End [Function [名称]] 调用:返回变量=名称([实参1,实参2...]) 典型子例程的书写和调用: !//书写: [形容词] Subroutine 名称([虚参1,虚参2...]...
从C 中调用时,Fortran 95 程序应在伪参数中使用VALUE属性,并且应为从 Fortran 95 中调用的 C 例程提供一个INTERFACE块。 Fortran 95 调用 C C 调用 Fortran 95 PROGRAM callc INTERFACE INTEGER FUNCTION crtn(I) BIND(C) crtn INTEGER, VALUE, INTENT(IN) :: I END FUNCTION crtn END INTERFACE M = ...
[1]); return ans; } Fortran 代码: program main use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int interface integer(c_int) function max(two_int) bind(c, name='max') import :: c_int integer(c_int), intent(in) :: two_int(*) end function max end interface print *, max([1, 2]...