71 Integer divide by zero整数除0错误 72 Floating overflow浮点数溢出错误 73 Floating divide by zero浮点数除0错误 74 Floating underflow浮点数下溢错误 75 Floating point exception浮点数异常错误 77 Subscript out of range数组定义超出边界 95 Floating-point conversion failed浮点数格式转换失败 146 Null pointe...
(dbx) catch FPE (dbx) run Running: a.out (process id 19739) signal FPE (floating point divide by zero) in MAIN at line 212 in file "myprogram.f" 212 Z = X/Y (dbx) print Y y = 0.0 (dbx) 如果发现程序因上溢和其他异常而终止,可调用 ieee_handler() 明确定位第一处上溢,以便只...
73 Floating divide by zero 浮点数除0错误 74 Floating underflow 浮点数下溢错误 75 Floating point exception 浮点数异常错误 77 Subscript out of range 数组定义超出边界 95 Floating-point conversion failed 浮点数格式转换失败 146 Null pointer error 空指针错误 147 Stack overflow 堆栈溢出 148 String length...
Integer divide by zero整数除0错误 Floating overflow浮点数溢出错误 Floating divide by zero浮点数除0错误 Floating underflow浮点数下溢错误 Floating point exception浮点数异常错误 Subscript out of range数组定义超出边界 Floating-point conversion failed浮点数格式转换失败 Null pointer error空指针错误 Stack overflow...
71 Integer divide by zero整数除0错误 72 Floating overflow浮点数溢出错误 73 Floating divide by zero浮点数除0错误 74 Floating underflow浮点数下溢错误 75 Floating point exception浮点数异常错误 77 Subscript out of range数组定义超出边界 95 Floating-point conversion failed浮点数格式转换失败 146 Null pointe...
72 Floating overflow浮点数溢出错误 73 Floating divide by zero浮点数除0错误 可能原因:可能是pde文件写的有问题,看看其中的除法运算,有没有除零的情况,改改。或者,前处理的数据,和计算时的数据不一致,如前处理化的网格是三角形,而计算时的单元类型是四边形。 74 Floating underflow浮点数下溢错误 75 Floating ...
The error messages follow (in alphabetical order): o MESSAGE: Floating divide by zero NUMBER: 73 EXPLANATION: During a floating-point arithmetic operation, an attempt was made to divide by zero. o MESSAGE: Floating invalid NUMBER: 65 EXPLANATION: During an arithmetic operation, the floating-...
41 Insufficient virtual memory 虚拟内存不足 70 Integer overflow 整数溢出错误 71 Integer divide by zero 整数除 0 错误 72 Floating overflow 浮点数溢出错误 73 Floating divide by zero 浮点数除 0 错误 74 Floating underflow 浮点数下溢错误 75 Floating point exception 浮点数异常错误 77 Subscript out of...
Floating divide by zero浮点数除0错误 Floating underflow浮点数下溢错误 Floating point exception浮点数异常错误 Subscript out of range数组定义超出边界 Floating-point conversion failed浮点数格式转换失败 Null pointer error空指针错误 Stack overflow堆栈溢出 String length error字符串长度超出允许范围 Substring error...