打开该路径下的文件夹:FortniteGame\Binaties\Win64\EasyAntiCheat 第五步 选择文件“EasyAntiCheat_EOS_Setup.exe”并创建快捷方式 第六步 右键快捷方式打开“属性”,在“快捷方式”一栏中找到“目标” 第七步 在“目标”的最后*添加*:install prod-fn 如果无法保存,则将"替换为空格 (不要删除前面的部分,仅...
打开该路径下的文件夹:FortniteGame\Binaties\Win64\EasyAntiCheat 第五步 选择文件“EasyAntiCheat_EOS_Setup.exe”并创建快捷方式 第六步 右键快捷方式打开“属性”,在“快捷方式”一栏中找到“目标” 第七步 在“目标”的最后*添加*:install prod-fn 如果无法保存,则将"替换为空格 (不要删除前面的部分,仅...
有玩家反映,在电脑端运行Fortnite时会收到该报错信息,我们已对这一情况有所了解: 要解决此问题,请根据本文中的步骤重新安装Easy Anti-Cheat:如何在电脑端安装Easy Anti-Cheat以便游玩Fortnite? 这篇文章对你有帮助吗? 是否仍然需要帮助吗? 请查看这些当下流行的自助服务工具和文章,或者联系我们。
How to Fix Launch Error: "Easy Anti-cheat is not installed" when accessing Fortnite How do I update my video card drivers to fix problems with Fortnite? How do I verify the integrity of Fortnite game files? What are the system requirements for Fortnite on PC?
GeForce Now Not Available in Your Region [Fixed In 5 Steps] 5 Ways to Fix Game Pass is Not Available in Your Region How do I stop getting kicked on Fortnite for VPN? 1. Reinstall EasyAntiCheat and BattlEye (PC) OpenTask Managerby right-clicking on theTaskbar. ...
If you are still not getting a 200-HTTP OK message, you will have to add a firewall exception using the same process as previously mentioned. When adding a new firewall exception, ensure you are adding the Easy Anti-Cheat folder. This will allow it to pass through anything blocking it ...
This Fortnite cheat will help you see beyond walls and other structures. You can even see beyond mountains and boulders. Yes, this is how useful the Fortnite cheats are! With this Fortnite hack, you can ensure that your enemies do not get the opportunity to hide from you. They will ...
reinstalling Battle Eye and Easy Anti-Cheat updating the graphics card drivers checking for windows updates disabling the antivirus software (Avast) checking for viruses repairing visual C++ redistributables running diagnostics and stress tests on the memory and the graphics card (they...
Helsinki-based Kamu was founded in 2013 and makes Easy Anti-Cheat, a suite of player services that includes multi-player game management and anti-cheat software, among other offerings. Kamu is currently used by over 100 million PC players around the world, according to the company’s website...
Repeat this process once again but this time you will have to double click on the option which is called EasyAntiCheat rather than the BattleEye Service. Double click on EasyAntiCheat and once again set the startup type to automatic (delayed start). Make sure that you apply all the change...