第一步 打开Epic Games 启动器,找到“库”,并找到游戏“Fortnite” 第二步 点击游戏旁的 ···,找到并点击“管理” 第三步 找到“打开安装位置”的图标并点击,打开游戏的安装文件夹 第四步 打开该路径下的文件夹:FortniteGame\Binaties\Win64\EasyAntiCheat 第五步 选择文件“EasyAntiCheat_EOS_Setup.exe”...
导航至FortniteGame > Binaries > Win64 > EasyAntiCheat,找到Easy Anti-Cheat。 右键点击EasyAntiCheat,选择创建快捷方式,然后在有必要时将快捷方式移回文件夹中。 右键点击快捷方式,选择属性,然后在目标字段中输入“repair”(带空格)。点击确定。 右键单击快捷方式,并选择允许...
文本应如下所示:"C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyAntiCheat_EOS\EasyAntiCheat_EOS.exe" install prod-fn 点击应用 点击确定 双击快捷方式。虽然没有窗口弹出,但EasyAntiCheat会自动开始安装。 打开Epic Games 启动器。 启动《Fortnite》。 如果在使用Easy Anti-Cheat时遇到困难,请访问:Easy Anti-Cheat支持...
“封禁警告” 以上弹窗可视作一种“封禁警告”,在Easy Anti Cheat(后文简称EAC)反作弊开始封禁前,玩家一般会收到该弹窗并强制退出对局,该弹窗出现不代表百分百封号,但由EAC反作弊封禁前必定会出现该弹窗,使用作弊软件导致的封禁无该弹窗。该弹窗与是否开加速器并不完全相关,已确认裸连环境也能够触发该弹窗。 “封...
Uninstall Easy Anti-Cheat Restart your PC Open Epic Games Launcher Run Fortnite; this will cause the deleted program to reinstall itself This process will rule out the possibility of Easy Anti-Cheat being the cause of your problems. If the problem persists read on to find some other possible...
1. Reinstall EasyAntiCheat and BattlEye (PC) OpenTask Managerby right-clicking on theTaskbar. In theProcesses tab, make sure to end allFortniteandEpic Gamesprocesses which could still be running in the background. Open up yourFile Explorerand navigate to the drive where you saved Fortnite....
If you’re experiencing Fornite launch issues because of Easy Anti-Cheat, then this issue should be relatively easy to fix. In fact, you can repair the EAC program directly via its menu. To manually repair Easy-Anti Cheat software: Locate the Easy Anti-Cheat .exe or setup file in your ...
Cible de visée : [Tête, cou et poitrine] Champ de vision : [1-300] Contrôle visible Objectif à distance : [10-1000 m] Lisse : [1-100] Anti-Cheat Support: Easy anti cheat, Battleye anti cheat, Stream Proof.About Anti-Cheat Support: Easy anti cheat, Battleye anti cheat, Stream...
Helsinki-based Kamu was founded in 2013 and makes Easy Anti-Cheat, a suite of player services that includes multi-player game management and anti-cheat software, among other offerings. Kamu is currently used by over 100 million PC players around the world, according to the company’s website...
If you are facing error code 30005 or the message “Create file failed with 32” while playing Fortnite, the solution depends on the actual cause of the problem. The error usually appears after the system crashes during the game. It is produced by the anti-cheat service Easy Anti-Cheat, ...