ping 服务器或死网关检测配置的 HA 优先级 (ha-priority) 设置。 成为HA 保留管理接口的 FortiGate 接口的系统接口设置。 保留管理接口的默认路由,使用config system ha命令的ha-mgmt-interface-gateway选项设置。 动态加权负载均衡阈值和高低水印。 OSPF summary-addresses 设置。
FortiGate HA 同步机制和故障诊断说明书 FortiGate HA同步机制和故障诊断 说明 版本 1.0 时间2021年2月18 涉及设备及版本FortiGate 作者李威峰 反馈***
config system ha set group-name "FGT-HA" end 3、HA工作模式,常用为a-p模式。AA模式下在HA状态中查看到HA的角色,有主设备及从设备,通常会被认为工作在主被模式下,实际上主主下设备虽然都在工作,仍会有一台作为集群的主设备用来控制和分配流量和会话给集群中的其他设备。AA模式默认情况下仅负载均衡UTM的流...
When HA primary device is down, a time synchronization with NTP servers will be disabled after failback. 627851 After the HA peer node has been replaced, need a way to reset the HA health status back to OK. 630070 HA is failing over due to cmdbsvr crashes. 631342 FG-100D HA active-...
北京市海淀区北四环西路 52 号中芯大厦 12 层 电话: (010)62960376 HA 运行时间(Age time):当设备启动或从监控端口检测到链路失效或端口 失效,Age time 被重置.如果监控端口检测到链路失效,那么该设备的 age time 重置,将会比其他设备的 age time 较小,也就不能在新的设备选举过程中胜出. 在所有的 HA ...
# get system ha status HA Health Status: WARNING: FG101FTK19000007 has hbdev down; WARNING: FG101FTK19000009 has hbdev down; Model: FortiGate-101F Mode: HA A-P Group Name: FGDocs Group ID: 5 Debug: 0 Cluster Uptime: 0 days 0:8:29 Cluster state change time: 2023-05-24...
time = /10 s UP # get sys ha group-id : 0 组IP group-name : FGT-HA 组名称 mode : a-p 组模式 password : * 密码 hbdev : "internal" 50 ha心跳口 ha心跳口优先级 route-ttl : 10 route-wait : 0 route-hold : 10 sync-config : enable 配置同步 ...
FortiManager – Dedicated policy and configuration manager, used to keep the configuration in sync between the two FortiGates.How to deploy:Utilize the FortiGate HA template which is available in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace to deploy the network resources and FortiGates as depicted in the ...
(I |O) -Port In syncorOutof sync (E|D) - Framecol lectionisEnabledorDisabled (E|D) - FramedistributionisEnabledorDisabled status:up npu:y flush:y asichelper:n oid: 132 ports:2 ha:master distribution algorithm: L4 LACP mode:active LACP speed: slow LACP HA:enable aggrega...