FortiGate HA 同步机制和故障诊断说明书 FortiGate HA同步机制和故障诊断 说明 版本 1.0 时间2021年2月18 涉及设备及版本FortiGate 作者李威峰 反馈***
FG380DTBXXXXXX47(updated 1 seconds ago): out-of-sync ... Master: FGT-1, FG380DTBXXXXXX50, cluster index = 0 Slave : FGT-2, FG380DTBXXXXXX47, cluster index = 1 number of vcluster: 1 vcluster 1: work 人工进行切换测试前,务必先检查和排除配置不同步的问题。 HA 配置不同...
HA is out-of-sync due to SD-WAN default configuration for a newly created VDOM. 824651 Certificate upload causes HA checksum mismatch. 826188 Secondary FortiGate FQDN is stuck in the queue, even if the primary FortiGate FQDN has already been resolved. 829390 When the internet service name ...
ses_pickup: disable override: disable Configuration Status: FGVMEV0000000002(updated 0 seconds ago): in-sync FGVMEV7000000005(updated 3 seconds ago): out-of-sync System Usage stats: FGVMEV0000000002(updated 0 seconds ago): sessions=11, average-cpu-user/nice/system/idle=1%/0%/0%/...
状态Fortinet Confidentialha-a-981 # diagnose netlink aggregate name linkaggregateLACP flags: (A|P)(S|F)(A|I)(I|O)(E|D)(E|D)(A|P) - LACP mode is Active or Passive(S|F) - LACP speed is Slow or Fast(A|I) - Aggregatable or Individual(I|O) - Port In sync or Out of sync...
(I |O) -Port In syncorOutof sync (E|D) - Framecol lectionisEnabledorDisabled (E|D) - FramedistributionisEnabledorDisabled status:up npu:y flush:y asichelper:n oid: 132 ports:2ha:backup distribution algorithm: L4 LACP mode:active LACP speed: slow LACP HA:enable aggregator...
fortigate防火墙配置正式版 fortigate防火墙配置 防火墙介绍 FMC模块内部专有处理器 •FortiASICNP4lite网络处理器芯片 ▪接口级的数据加速服务▪低延迟,百万NAT级会话线速性能 −IPSecESP加解密处理−IPS异常检测,数据包重组−约NP4一半的性能 •FortiASICCP8安全处理器芯片 −多核多线程安全处理−提供...
ha-a # diagnose netlink aggregate name 31 OB-a LACP flags: (A|P)(S|F)(A|I)(I|O)(E|D)(E|D) (A|P)-LACP mode is Active or Passive (S|F)・ LACP speed is Slow or Fast (A|l)-Aggregatable or Individual (l|O) • Port In sync or Out of sync (E|D)・ Frame collec...
防火墙介绍 FortinetConfidential3 •FortiASICNP4lite网络处理器芯片 •接口级的数据加速服务 •低延迟,百万NAT级会话线速性能 »IPSecESP加解密处理 »IPS异常检测,数据包重组 »约NP4一半的性能 •FortiASICCP8安全处理器芯片 »多核多线程安全处理 ...
When setting up HA, enable the following options to ensure IPsec VPN traffic is not interrupted during an HA failover:session-pickup under HA settings. ha-sync-esp-seqno under IPsec phase1-interface settings.You can configure IPsec VPN in an HA environment using the GUI or CLI....