针对您提出的“fortigate time is out of sync”问题,以下是一些步骤和建议来解决Fortigate设备时间同步的问题。由于此问题主要涉及网络设备的配置而非代码编写,我将按照您的提示分点回答,并尽量提供清晰的解决方案。 1. 确认Fortigate设备的时间同步问题 首先,需要确认Fortigate设备的时间确实与预期或网络中的其他设备不...
FortiGate HA 同步机制和故障诊断说明书 FortiGate HA同步机制和故障诊断 说明 版本 1.0 时间2021年2月18 涉及设备及版本FortiGate 作者李威峰 反馈***
master because it has the largest value of uptime. override: disable Configuration Status: FG380DTBXXXXXX50(updated 1 seconds ago): in-sync FG380DTBXXXXXX47(updated 1 seconds ago): out-of-sync ... Master: FGT-1, FG380DTBXXXXXX50, cluster index = 0 Slave : FGT-2, FG380DTBXXXXXX47...
When performed from the primary FortiGate, using the GUI to change a firewall policy action from accept to deny does not disable the IP pool setting, causing the HA cluster to be out of sync. Updating the policy via the CLI does not have this issue. 652975 Cannot access FortiGate GUI ...
ses_pickup: disable override: disable Configuration Status: FGVMEV0000000002(updated 0 seconds ago): in-sync FGVMEV7000000005(updated 3 seconds ago): out-of-sync System Usage stats: FGVMEV0000000002(updated 0 seconds ago): sessions=11, average-cpu-user/nice/system/idle=1%/0%/0%/...
状态Fortinet Confidentialha-a-981 # diagnose netlink aggregate name linkaggregateLACP flags: (A|P)(S|F)(A|I)(I|O)(E|D)(E|D)(A|P) - LACP mode is Active or Passive(S|F) - LACP speed is Slow or Fast(A|I) - Aggregatable or Individual(I|O) - Port In sync or Out of sync...
fortigate防火墙配置正式版 fortigate防火墙配置 防火墙介绍 FMC模块内部专有处理器 •FortiASICNP4lite网络处理器芯片 ▪接口级的数据加速服务▪低延迟,百万NAT级会话线速性能 −IPSecESP加解密处理−IPS异常检测,数据包重组−约NP4一半的性能 •FortiASICCP8安全处理器芯片 −多核多线程安全处理−提供...
fortigate防火墙配置 Excellenthandouttrainingtemplate fortigate防火墙配置 防火墙介绍 FortiASICNP4lite网络处理器芯片 接口级的数据加速服务 低延迟,百万NAT级会话线速性能 IPSecESP加解密处理 IPS异常检测,数据包重组 约NP4一半的性能 FortiASICCP8安全处理器芯片 多核多线程安全处理 提供FortiASICNP4以外的功能服务 IPS...
5、牌AlgorithmTime*Seed+AlgorithmTimeSeed+Same OTP valueSame timeSame seedValidation Server OTP generator Time sync with accurate NTP sourceStatic password + OTPValidate static password1234添加一个FortiToken认证的分类Active 用户收到一个登陆提示,必须手动输入用户名密码信息使用LDAP, RADIUS, TACACS+等协议认...
out-of-sync:0 Owner: Cert SN: 2B8D4FF0E71FE7E064288FE1B4F87E25232092D0 online: Yes Route IP: vfid: 0 has more:No Tags: idx:0, ttdl:1 name:Domain-Users idx:1, ttdl:1 name:Remote-Allowed idx:2, ttdl:1 name:Group-Membership-Domain-Users idx:3, t...