engineering applications of computersiterative methodslinear programmingplasticity/ plastic design problemplane framesstatic and kinematic approachesplastic collapsedual linear programming problemscomputer applicationUsing a parametrie representation, it was proved in 19591 that the static and kinematic approaches to...
The present paper proposes a Galerkin finite element projection scheme for the solution of the partial differential equations (pde's) involved in the probability density evolution method, for the linear and nonlinear static analysis of stochastic systems. According to the principle of preservation of ...
Importantly, shear locking can also alter the compliance of the specimen with bending effects in large deformation analysis [75]. In order to overcome this shear locking pathology, several techniques have been proposed in the last decades: use of higher order Finite Element (FE) formulations [76,...
Equilibrium-Based Finite-Element Formulation for the Geometrically Exact Analysis of Planar Framed Structures This paper addresses the development of a hybrid-mixed finite-element formulation for the geometrically exact quasi-static analysis of elastic planar frame... HAFA Santosa,JPMD Almeida - 《Journal...
Heretofore, the Serret–Frenet frame has been the ubiquitous choice for analyzing the elastic deformations of beam elements. It is well-known that thi
Although existing methods of assessing groundwater vulnerability may point to geologic, topographic, and land-use conditions susceptible to contamination, current groundwater vulnerability assessments tend to be static in time (Focazio et al., 2002; NRC, 1993). Index and overlay methods (Aller et ...
Current design codes and consequently most of the understanding of behaviour of structures in fire are based on the often unrealistic assumption of uniform fire within the enclosure. This assumption is especially wrong in the case of large open-plan compartments, where non-uniform travelling fires ha...
Finite element analysis of geometrically nonlinear laminated composite shell structures [microform] This thesis is concerned with static and dynamic analysis of linear and geometrically nonlinear laminated composite plate and shell structures by using the finite element method.;The emphasis has been on esta...
[7, .However,inthemostofthe publishedpapersdealingwiththedynamicstiffen— ingproblem,thecouplingdeformationtermsare approximatedtothesecondorder,andthehighor— derdeformationtermsvanishfromtheequationsof motion.Theseapproachescansuccessfullycapture thestiffeningterms.However,theyaresuitable Reeeiveddate:2005—03-28...
The proposed model is based on the Theory of Porous Media (TPM), a consistent approach to describe geomaterials in a macroscopic frame [1]. Assuming quasi-static conditions, strains in the porous soil body are due to an elasto-plastic work-hardening model, whereas the constitutive properties ...