For example, if you want to round 123456789 to the nearest 100, you would enter the following formula in a cell: =MROUND(123456789, 100) This returns 23456800. And to round to the nearest 1000, you would use: =MROUND(123456789, 1000) ...
If you want to round a number to the nearest 1000, we use ROUND Function and pass -3 in the place of the second argument. For rounding a number to the nearest 100, pass -2 in place of the second argument. For rounding a number to the nearest 10, pass -1 in place of the second...
Formula field - anyway to round up/down to nearest integer? Hi all I'm sure I'm missing something, but how can I return the nearest integer i.e. 5.2 = 5, 5.7 = 6? Ceil and Floor round up or down... not to the nearest. ...
INT: It helps in rounding the number down to the nearest digit. EVEN: It uses to round the number up to the nearest even digit. ODD: It uses to round the number up to the nearest odd digit. How to Round to the Nearest Whole Number in Excel with Formulas? Let’s see how the ROU...
6. Round a Formula Result to Nearest Multiple of 5 Steps: Select an empty cell. Enter the following ROUND formula into the cell. =ROUND(D15/5,0)*5 (D15 contains the number we want to round, 5 is the multiple, and 0 is the number of decimal places.) Press Enter. The result is...
Round to Nearest 10, 100, or 1000 Round to Nearest 5 or .5 Round Percentages Round to Significant Figures Countyes Count Blank and Non-blank Cells Count Cells Between Two Numbers Count Cells not Equal to Count if Cells are in Range ...
51.42 1 Round down to 1 decimal place 5.142 2 Round down to 2 decimal places 2785.2 3 Round down to 3 decimal places 2785.2 -1 Round down to the nearest 10 2785.2 -2 Round down to the nearest 100 2785.2 -3 Round down to the nearest 1000 2785.2 -4 Round down to the nearest 10000Th...
In case you want to round to the nearest 10, use 10 as the second argument in the formula. Using the FLOOR Function to Round Down to the Nearest 5 While the MROUND function rounds to the nearest multiple of 5 or 10 (or whatever value you specify as the second argument), depending on...
multiple = The multiple you want to round to, such as 10 to round to the nearest The function rounds the number (first argument) to the nearest multiple (second argument). For example, “=MROUND(23.6, 10)”, it rounds 23.6 to the nearest 10, which is 20. ...
Number: the number you want to round down to nearest integer. How this formula work To extract the dollars from cell B3, please use below formula:=INT(B3) Press Enter key to get the dollars. Explanation INT function rounds the number down to the nearest integer....