Method 1 – Using Excel ROUND Function to Round Numbers to Nearest 1000 TheROUNDfunction round numbers to the nearest 1,000 based on general math rules. If the hundreds place digit of a number is less than 5, then the hundreds place is replaced by 0. If the hundreds place digit of a ...
在Excel中,我們可以使用公式= Round()舍入值,但是您是否曾經嘗試將值舍入到最接近的1000s / 100s / 10s / 1s / 0.1s? 例如,將8163.27舍入為8000/8200/8160/8163 / 8163.3。 在這裡,我介紹一些公式來完成Excel中的這項工作。 四捨五入至最接近的1000/100/10/1 / 0.1 ...
Round number up/down with Kutools for Excel Round to nearest 1000s/100s/10s/1s/0.1s To round value to nearest 1000/100/10/1/0.1, you can do as following steps: Round to nearest 1000s Place this formula =ROUND(A2,-3) in a cell which will display the nearest 1000s value. Round to...
For example, if you want to round 123456789 to the nearest 100, you would enter the following formula in a cell: =MROUND(123456789, 100) This returns 23456800. And to round to the nearest 1000, you would use: =MROUND(123456789, 1000) ...
To find the rounded number to the nearest multiple of10, enter the following formula: =ROUND(C5,-1) ii. Round Up to the Nearest 100 For rounding to the nearest multiple of100, enter: =ROUND(C5,-2) iii. Round Up to the Nearest 1000 ...
Round to nearest 1000 To round a value in cell A2 to the nearest thousand, use of the following formulas: To round a numberdownto nearest 1000: =FLOOR(A2, 1000) To round a numberupto nearest 1000: =CEILING(A2, 1000) To round a numberup or downto nearest 1000 ...
By using negative numbers you can round to the nearest 10, 100, or 1000. Round to Nearest 10 =ROUND(B3,-1) Try our AI Formula Generator Generate Round to Nearest 100 =ROUND(B3,-2) Round to Nearest 1000 =ROUND(B3,-3) Round Up or Round Down to Nearest 100 You can use the ROUND...
=ROUND(A2,-2) Copy this in below cells. How it works: Actually when we pass a negative number toROUND function, it round the numbers before decimal point. So to round to nearest 1000 we just need to replace -2 to -3 in formula. ...
Nearest 10:=ROUND(number, -1) Nearest 100:=ROUND(number, -2) Nearest 1000:=ROUND(number, -3) In the following example,we have replaced the function's second argument with the cells' values in row 2.This is why we have added a dollar in the reference. This is called amixed reference...
We can drag the formula by using Ctrl + D or double click on the right corner of cell C15. So the result would be: Explanation: If you want to round a number to the nearest 1000, we use ROUND Function and pass -3 in the place of the second argument. ...