Power Query formula Question 1: In Column H is a simple formula to show the variance between columns G and F. How can I show a "null" in H when there is nothing in G? Question 2: Column F has a simple formula that ... Rex-Delson Answer 1: You can use IF funtion, if the Col...
或者做其他操作,比如如果请求第一个 url 发生错误(比如超时)那么请求备选 url 获得数据。 还有一种做法就是 if err[HasError] 因为这个属性是所有 Error 对象都含有的。 在中间步骤产生 Error 可以帮助我们早发现、早解决。但是我们的处理接下来的步骤不推荐围绕着错误进行。比如将 try otherwise 当作类似于 if t...
Power Query M is used to filter, combine, and mash-up data from one or more supported data sources.
A core capability of Power Query is to filter and combine, that is, to mash-up data from one or more of a rich collection of supported data sources. Any such data mashup is expressed using the Power Query M formula language. The M language is a functional, case sensitive language ...
and more. A core capability of Power Query is to filter and combine, that is, to mash-up data from one or more of a rich collection of supported data sources. Any such data mashup is expressed using the Power Query M formula language. The M language is a functional, case sensitive lan...
Excel formula if else to power bi 05-18-2022 07:02 AM Hello ALL I'm decoding excel forumula IF Else Datelogic calculation couldnt figure how to re-write in Dax or Mquery Calculation need some help .F = StartDateG = RelesaseDateH = PostedDateI = AccountDate...
Those who are familiar with the SUMIF function might think that converting it to SUMIFS takes just an extra "S" and a few additional criteria. This would seem quite logical… but "logical" it's not always the case when dealing with Microsoft : ) ...
and more. A core capability of Power Query is to filter and combine, that is, to mash-up data from one or more of a rich collection of supported data sources. Any such data mashup is expressed using the Power Query M formula language. The M language is a functional, case sensitive lan...
Steps in Power Query: 1. Load Table 1 2. Load Table 2 3 Merge these two tables on the basis of column E ( Table 1) & Column A of Table 2 4. Now pull the column B from Table 2 by expanding the table. 5. Then write a conditional column: if Table2.B = null then "No" else...
If this isn't the problem please share the sheet for me to see what else it might be. (if you can't post here you can PM it to me)