What does the sign “v” mean in the formula ofLorentz force?; 洛仑兹力公式中v的寓意剖析 2. Lorentz forcedoes no work in electromotive force; 动生电动势中洛仑兹力永不作功 更多例句>> 4) Lorentz forces 洛仑兹力 1. Secondly, for two thin current carrying rectangular plates ,one simply...
lorentz force formula 读音:美英 lorentz force formula基本解释 洛伦兹力公式 分词解释 Lorentz洛伦兹 force力 formula公式,准则
the Lorentz-Lorenz formula is used extensively. The formula and the expression for molecular refraction that follows directly from it are the basis for the refractometry of pure substances and mixtures, for determining the polarizability of particles, and for investigating the structure of organic and...
摘要: According to electromagnetic field' s unity and relatirly,the physical significane of "v" in Lorentz Force formula is deeply discussed and illustrated through some examples. 关键词: Lorentz Force Formula Velocity Electric Field Magnetic Field Frame of Reference 年份: 1999 收藏...
It is (not quite) proved that within the framework of Special Relativity,a force exerted on a \\\emph{classical particle} by a field must be of the form$\\\yv{E}+\\\yv{v}imes\\\yv{B}$, the Lorentz force form. The proof makes use of anaction principle in which the action ...
5) Lorentz's formula of force 洛仑兹力公式 1. By means of Faraday’s law of induction and Lorentz’s formula of force, the relativity of induced electric field was given concisely. 本文分别由法拉第电磁感应定律和洛仑兹力公式简明地导出了感应电场在不同惯性参考系中的相对关系式。
For a magnetic force to exist, the charge q must be moving with a velocity v and under a magnetic field B that is not of the same direction of its velocity. The magnetic force of a moving charge is part of the Lorentz Force Law which is given by the formula:...
the axis of rotation to the force of the line of action of vertical distance) 5, the formula of friction: (1) sliding friction: f=, FN Description: FN for the contact surface between the elasticity can be greater than G; can also be equal to G; can also be less than G For sliding...
Lorentz Force Tensile Stress FAQs What is tensile stress? Tensile stress is an object's resistance to forces that rip it apart. It is a measurement that has to do with tensile forces. What is tensile stress formula? The formula for tensile stress is Force / Cross-sectional Area. What is ...
Euler'sformulafor thenumberofvertices,edges,andfacesofanypolyhedron. 欧拉公式有多少个顶点,边,并面临任何多面体。 hi.baidu.com 8. Bymeans ofFaraday'slawofinductionandLorentz'sformulaofforce,therelativityofinducedelectric fieldwas givenconcisely.