Grove, Karen, Colson, Kevin, Binkin, Marianne, Dull, Robert, and Garrison, Carolyn, 1995, Stratigraphy and structure of the late Pleistocene Olema Creek Formation, San Andreas fault zone north of San Francisco, California, in Sangines, E.M., Andersen, D.W., and Buising, A.V., eds.,...
natural faults intersecting these geological formations can potentially affect the long-term isolation of the repositories. This paper characterizes the physical properties and mineralogy of the internal fault core structure intersecting the Opalinus Clay formation, a...
The evaporation of seawater in arid climates is currently the main accepted driving mechanism for the formation of ancient and recent salt deposits in shallow basins. However, the deposition of huge amounts of marine salts, including the formation of tens of metres of highly soluble types (tachyh...
We use vertical axis rotations from new paleomagnetic data to constrain off-fault deformation within the San Andreas fault system in central California. Sa... D Ehmer,U Frank - 《Geology》 被引量: 3发表: 1975年 High-resolution magnetostratigraphy of the upper Nacimiento Formation, San Juan Basin...
Right slip of 60–70 km occurred along the San Gabriel fault, which produced transtension in the Los Angeles basin area and deposition of the Puente, Tarzana, Simi, and Piru fan systems. At 6 Ma, transform motion was transferred to the San Andreas fault; transpression has dominated the ...
(Fig. 2) (d) Franciscan Profile San Andreas A Fault Hunters Point Tiburon Shear Zone Peninsula Tiburon San Francisco Angel Island Nappe Melange Permanente terrane Hillside fault zone City College fault zone Alcatraz terrane Marin Headlands terrane Salinia Undifferentiated Franciscan Complex San Bruno ...
, 1985]. The block rotation is generally viewed as a consequence of Pacific–North American plate interactions after 28 Ma, when subduction waned in southern California and a right-lateral transform system, eventually including the San Andreas fault, was established [Atwater and Stock, 1998]. The...
S. (1979),Geometry of Subducted Slabs Related to San Andreas Transform, Journal of Geology87, 609–627. Google Scholar Draper, G. (1986),Blueschists and Associated Rocks in Eastern Jamaica and Their Significance for Cretaceous Plate-Margin Development in the Northern Caribbean, Geological Society...
Offset along the San Andreas fault of Eocene strata from the San Juan Bautista area and western San Emigdio Mountains, California Nilsen, TH (1984) Offset along the San Andreas fault of Eocene strata from the San Juan Baustista area and western San Emidgio Mountains, California. ... TH Nils...
the igneous rocks of the Sierra Nevada and the ore-depositing solutions. This is consistent with the fact that the faults along which they are emplaced are deep. The Mother Lode fault and joint systems are produced by regional tectonic compression and are located at the accreted continental ...