High rates of creep along parts of the San Andreas fault have been attributed to low fault strength associated with serpentinized rocks. This is problematic because the frictional strength of serpentine minerals is considered too high to account for any
Coulomb stress accumulation along the San Andreas Fault system. J Geophys Res, 2003, 108(B6), 2296, : 10.1029/2002JB2136↵ Smith B. , Sandwell D. , 2003 . Coulomb stress accumulation along the San Andreas fault system , J. geophys. Res. , 108 , 2296 , DOI : art-access-id: info...
We present a new method to objectively combine paleoseismic event data from multiple sites into rupture scenarios and apply it to the southern San Andreas fault (SSAF) of California. First, a pool is constructed of all ruptures between sites allowed by fault geometry and available event age pro...
The San Andreas Fault is weak compared with the surrounding rock, but the cause of weakness is debated. Measurements of the strength of rocks taken from the active fault indicate that the San Andreas Fault is inherently weak and does not heal after ruptu
PDF Tools Share Abstract Low frequency earthquakes (LFEs) originating below the central San Andreas Fault are associated with slow-slip beneath the seismogenic zone within the more ductile portion of the crust. Monitoring efforts over 15 year...
Where’s the San Andreas Fault? A Guidebook to Tracing the Fault on Public Lands in the San Francisco Bay Region: pubs.usgs.gov/gip/2006/16/gip-16.pdf Of Mud Pots and the End of the San Andreas Fault: seismo.berkeley.edu/blog/seismoblog.php/2008/11/04/of-mud-pots-and-the-end-of...
PDF Tools Share Abstract Low frequency earthquakes (LFEs) originating below the central San Andreas Fault are associated with slow-slip beneath the seismogenic zone within the more ductile portion of the crust. Monitoring efforts over 15 year...
D. (1993), Reply [to “What do the Cajon Pass stress measurements say about stress on the San Andreas Fault? Comment on “In situ stress measurements to 3.5 km depth in the Cajon Pass Scientific Research Borehole: Implications for the mechanics of crustal faulting” by Mark D. Zoback and...
PDF Tools Share Abstract [1] We examine the relationships between borehole geophysical data and physical properties of fault-related rocks within the San Andreas Fault as determined from data from the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth borehole. Geophysical logs, cuttings data, and drilling data...