(1983). "The Formation of New States as a Refugee- Generating Process," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 467, May, 24-38.Zolberg, Aristide R. 1983. »The Formation of New States as a Refugee-Generating Process.« The Annals of the American Academy of ...
'Somaliland' has reasserted the separate existence it had as the colony of British Somaliland before independence and union with the former Italian Somalia in 1960. It has avoided the devastation of warlordism that has afflicted the rest of Somalia through compromise politics between clan elders. ...
【题目】 翻译泛读教程4的课文翻译有道翻译者闪开!1.In West Afric a the formation of a new gove rnment in Monrovi a ushered in prospects for an end to five years of fighting and the retur n of 794,000 Liberian refugees.2. A major impediment to return and rehabilita tion-as was the ...
180Rocky Mountain Review estimation, simplifies the dynamics of European exploration into the thesis that "if Europeans had stayed out of the New World, today it would remain a pristine land of native peoples living in harmony with nature" (xiii), they point out that no culture has yet devise...
We present new microstructural investigations and new age data. These, together with observed distribution of upper- and lower-crustal and mantle rocks along the ocean-continent transition suggest the existence of three detachment faults, one of which was previously unrecognized. This information, ...
1、Introduction to Qin Jie Focus Territorial expansion of USA Historical formation of USAStates of USA Forming of US The nation was founded by thirteen colonies of Great Britain located along the Atlantic seaboard. On July 4, 1776, they issued the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed ...
4. Publish in Two New York Newspapers New York is one of just a few states that requires LLCs to publish a newspaper notice after filing Articles of Organization. You must complete the publication requirement within 120 days of forming your LLC. You can either publish a copy of your Article...
New ionic complexes of fullerenes C[sub 60] and C[sub 70] with decamethylchromocene Cp[sup *, sub 2]Cr·C[sub 60]· (C[sub 6]H[sub 4]CI[sub 2])[sub 2] (1), Cp[sup *, sub 2]Cr·C[sub 60].(C[sub 6]H[sub 6])[sub 2] (2); the multicomponent complex of (Cs[sup...
Second, in the environment, many processes are incomplete, such as the common problem of incomplete combustion and the generation of new compounds in addition to carbon dioxide and water. Indeed, many equilibrium reactions take place. However, getting to equilibrium requires a kinetic phase. Upon ...
Public sentiment towards the police is a matter of great interest in the United States, as reports on police misconduct are increasingly being published in mass and social media. Here, we test how the public’s perception of the police can be majorly shaped by media reports of police brutality...