Check out Geography UPSC Notes for studying more topics. Get Pass ProNew All-in-One Pass For All Your Exams Also Includes All Test Series Prev. Year Paper Practice Pro Live Tests Unlimited Test Re-Attempts Formation Of Cyclone Nisarga On May 31, 2020, a low-pressure area was formed over ...
upsc gs - i notes a cyclone is any low-pressure area with winds spiralling inwards. cyclones rotate anti-clockwise in northern hemisphere and rotate clockwise in southern hemisphere. the process of cyclone formation and intensification is called cyclogenesis. aspirants would find this topic very ...
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influence of the western world over them. So in order to compete with them and achieve out the financial self-sufficiency the 5 biggest and fastest growing economies tried to adopt a new institution with the 2 main pillars of practical co-operation and consultation on issues of mutual interes...
Guanine-rich nucleic acid sequences are capable of folding into an intramolecular four-stranded structure called a G-quadruplex. When found in gene promoter regions, G-quadruplexes can downregulate gene expression, possibly by blocking the transcriptiona
Guanine-rich nucleic acid sequences are capable of folding into an intramolecular four-stranded structure called a G-quadruplex. When found in gene promoter regions, G-quadruplexes can downregulate gene expression, possibly by blocking the transcriptiona
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a volcano mountain is formed by the surface eruption of magma from within the earth’s upper mantle. the magma that erupts to the surface forms a lava flow that deposits ash. as the volcano continues to erupt, a new layer of lava is added to the surface, accumulating to form a mountain...
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