Gorshkov, G.S., 1961b. Petrochemistry of volcanic rocks in relation to the formation of island arcs. Ann. Geofis., 14(2): 137-144.———, 1961, Petrochemistry of volcanic rocks in relation to the formation of island arcs . Annali di Geofisica, Vol. 14, n. 2, p. 137–144, Roma...
Learn the volcanic island arc definition and see how island arcs are formed. Study the role of tectonic plates and subduction and see island arc...
Island system is developed which explains all of its most important geomorphological, geological and geophysical peculiarities and is not contradicted by the results of theoretical and experimental studies of possible elastic bending of the lithosphere under the influence of the horizontal compressive load....
In such cases, mantle wedge-derived magmas must pass through a thicker lithosphere and therefore are likely to begin crystallization at greater depths than what might be seen beneath island arcs or young, incipient continental arcs (e.g., the Cascades). The higher pressures of crystallization ...
The bulk compositions of two exposed sections of intra-oceanic island arc crust (the Talkeetna volcanics and Border Ranges ultramafic-mafic complex in southeastern Alaska, and the Canyon Mountain Complex in northeastern Oregon) represent basalt ( MgO = 11%) and probably basaltic andesite ( MgO =...
The North China Craton (NCC) has had a long geological history back to ca. 3.8 Ga ago. In the Anshan area, northeastern part of the craton, three distinct complexes with ages of 3.8–3.1 Ga (Baijiafen, Dongshan, and Shengousi) have been identified,...
Igneous garnet and amphibole fractionation in the roots of island arcs: experimental constraints on andesitic liquids. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 157, 541–558 (2009). Google Scholar Sisson, T. & Grove, T. Temperatures and H2O contents of low-MgO high-alumina basalts. Contrib. Mineral. ...
The Early Cretaceous is an epoch of geologic events that predetermined in many respects the present-day appearance of structural units in the northwestern framing of the Pacific Ocean. The study of sedimentary basins genetically related to the island arcs whose fragments are known in the Far East ...
Igneous garnet and amphibole fractionation in the roots of island arcs: experimental constraints on andesitic liquids. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 157, 541–558 (2008). Article Google Scholar Tang, M., Erdman, M., Eldridge, G. & Lee, C.-T. A. The redox “filter” beneath magmatic ...
Various types of tectonic terranes were incorporated in this amalgamation, including island-arcs, accretionary complexes and Gondwana-derived microcontinental fragments (e.g. Buslov et al., 2004, Buslov, 2011, Glorie et al., 2011a). These latter fragments had a pivotal role in the building ...