46. In the frame of tectonic processes, focal mechanism reversals have been reported more sporadically and generally attributed to stress changes induced by large earthquakes and overshooting47,48. Studies on hydraulic fracturing49,50and enhanced geothermal systems20,51commonly...
transport geochemical signatures and produce upwellings that generate atypical intraplate volcanism. The mantle flow produced by slab rollover subduction, however, remains unstudied, yet it may have a comparable geodynamic significance. Here, we present analogue models of buoyancy-driven...
including magmatic recycling of crustal material to "distill" continental crust (e.g. ref. 21), crustal thickening through magmatic underplating (e.g. ref. 22), increased volcanic explosivity through crustal volatiles (cf. refs 23 and 24), and the formation of contact-metamorphic mineral deposit...