[TAC 顶刊复现 ] Affine Formation Maneuver Controlof Multiagent Systems (多智能体系统仿射编队机动控制) 小祝博士科研辅助 控制专业本硕博 985,科研成果丰硕,可进行科研指导以及复现12 人赞同了该文章 目录 一、代码及文献获取 二、引言 三:主要代码 一、代码及文献获取 1. 代码链接:哔哩哔哩工房 (bilibi...
Formation controlSwarm navigationCramér-Rao boundLocation uncertaintySpatial correlationIn this chapter the impact of realistic communication channels and uncertain location information on formation control of multi-agent systems aiming to achieve a common task is highlighted. First,......
Optimal robust formation control for heterogeneous multi‐agent systems based on reinforcement learning - Yan - 2022 - International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control - Wiley Online Library 1.文件概览 : 文件的主要研究领域是什么? 主要研究领域是针对不确定的异构多智能体系统,提出一种基于强化学习(...
In recent years, multi-agent systems (MASs) have garnered significant attention and research focus in various fields, such as unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarm coordination, satellite communication networks, and collaborative control of mobile robots [1-4]. Among these applications, time-varying ...
degree in Systems Engineering. Her research interests include optimization and control of multi-agent systems, with applications to coverage control, formation control, mobile sensor networks, and robotics. Christos G. Cassandras is Distinguished Professor of Engineering at Boston University. He is Head ...
Periodic event-triggered formation control of multi-agent systems via complex Laplacian The event-triggered formation control of first-order continuous multi-agent systems is studied based on complex Laplacian in this paper. Periodic event-tri... X Guo,X Chen,L Fu - 《Ima Journal of Mathematical...
formationcontrolnetworkedagentsystemsmulti PublishedinIETControlTheoryandApplications Receivedon8thNovember2009 Revisedon13thMarch2010 doi:10.1049/iet-cta.2009.0574 ISSN1751-8644 BriefPaper Formationcontrolofnetworkedmulti-agent systems D.Xue 1 J.Yao 1 G.Chen 2 Y.-L.Yu 1 1 DepartmentofControlScienceandEng...
Distributed Formation Control of Networked Multi-Agent Systems Using a Dynamic Event-Triggered Communication Mechanism This paper addresses the distributed formation control problem of a networked multi-agent system (MAS) subject to limited communication resources. First, a... Xiaohua,Qing-Long 被引量:...
In this paper, the formation control problem of multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamic is considered. Output regulation problem of nonlinear systems is generalized to the formation control problem of nonlinear multi-agent systems. The reference inputs or disturbance signals are generated by an exo...
In the actual environment, multi-agent systems are often affected by random noise, so the systems often cannot accurately obtain the real states of other agents. If the measured data with noise is directly used, the consensus control method will be difficult to guarantee the system stability of...