of Acceptable Documents.") Last Name(Family Name)M.I.First Name(Given Name) Employee Info from Section 1 Citizenship/Immigration Status List A Identity and Employment Authorization Identity Employment Authorization ORList BANDList C Additional Information ...
In short, if you’re hiring a new employee, you need to have them fill out Form I-9 as a part of their new hire paperwork, and you need to collect the acceptable documents to fill out Section 2 of the I-9 form yourself.
The Active check box controls whether the document type is available in the I-9 document form. Occasionally, documents are removed from the list of acceptable documents that establish identity and work eligibility. When this occurs, we recommend that you inactivate the document type by clearing the...
New Form I-9 and Acceptable Documents Delayed Until April 3, 2009Alka
在美国找到工作后,办理工作签证时雇主和雇员须填写 From I-9, Form I-9 即雇佣资格核查表,雇主需要为每一雇员,包括美国公民,合法永久居民和临时外籍工提交 I-9 以证明雇主守法,证明雇员获准工作。该表格不用提交给移民局或者任何政府机构,有雇主自行保管以备国土安全局或者政府机构核查。属于以下情况的,可以不用...
一、Form I-90: I-90表格(绿卡更换/更新申请)用于申请更换或更新永久居民卡(绿卡)。这通常适用于绿卡遗失、损坏或即将过期的情况。 二、Form I-131: I-131表格(旅行证件申请)用于申请回美证、难民旅行证件以及紧急情况下的人道主义旅行许可。对于在移民过程中需要出境的人士,I-131表格是必需的。
List of Acceptable Documents will include a link to List C documents on theU.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website Fields that don’t apply may be left blank, eliminating the “N/A” requirement Form with be compatible with all electronic devices, reducing software iss...
As we mentioned above, all Acceptable Documents from Lists A, B, and C had to be inspected in person before the global pandemic. However, now, employers can remotely examine remote workers’ I-9 documents through live video interaction, beginning on August 1, 2023, as long as the employer...
Updating the I-9 List of Acceptable Documents to state that DHS will treat documents as unexpired when the issuing agency has extended those documents beyond the stated expiration date (e.g., driver’s licenses extended by a state department of motor vehicles for a temporary period beyond the ...